Best album cover ever?

I wouldn't say these are the best covers ever, but they're still good.


Benton looks like Charles Manson in that picture.

The funniest of the many Benton moments I witnessed, is when he stomped over to the Children of Bodom bus, threatening everyone on the sidewalk, then proceeded to bang on their tour bus. They didn't let him in. After a few minutes, he turned around, and started to threaten bystanders as usual, saying..."who wants to die!? Come-on!! Fucking wimps!!" Class guy.:goggly:
Have you ever seen the original cover? It's not the one with the drill in the skull. It has a woman bent over, naked, with a drill going inside her.

I know. That's what I meant. A drill in the skull doesn't really bother me...for some reason, drill-bit sodomy does...
Someone posted the cover for Twilight Ophera's The End of Halcyon Age here a while back. I thought it was pretty cool, so I did a search for their other album covers, which turned up the following gems:



:lol: :lol: :lol: