Best and easiest file sharing program?

Utuk Xul

Demon Spawn
Feb 13, 2002
The 9th level of Hell
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What is the best program for getting metal mp3s? I am also looking for those rare Japanese only tracks that most albums have.

Also, before some people get all moral on me and accuse me of ripping bands off, I have probably spent more money on CDs than you have on your cars, so spare me the nonsense!:loco:
People here won't get all moral, we all download songs to find new bands. I suggest you soulseek, some will suggest you DC++, but I haven't tried that one yet.
AsModEe said:
People here won't get all moral, we all download songs to find new bands. I suggest you soulseek, some will suggest you DC++, but I haven't tried that one yet.

I know, I was kidding, sort of. Every once in a while you get the holier-than-thou types - even on a metal website!

I heard about Soulseek now from more than a couple of people, I'll look into it!


I used the DC/Hub before until a rocket scientist changed it. If my life was on the line I would not be able to figure it out.

i'd fucking die
I use Soulseek. Most of the metal hubs on DC++ mandate that you have atleast a few hundred mp3's before they'll let you in. But I only have about 40 mp3's, as I buy all my albums, so I've never had luck with DC++.
Well, I downloaded DC++. I also think I am going to get my masters degree in computer science to get it to work. I'll have to take a look at the FAQs when I have more time.

One question some of you might be able to answer, how do you find a metal hub? The hub list is in the thousands and it looks to me like there is no search feature to narrow it down.
Filters do that.

It's not that difficult to use, it just takes a bit of getting used to, especialy if you've only been using shit like Kazaa in the past.

Try Soulseek.
I like Soulseek, but there are occasional crashes. Another downside is that, unlike Kazaa, you can only download from one user at a time. Sometimes you'll be 80% done with an album and that user will sign off for a few weeks. Some rare albums don't come up often (Lethargy). There are a lot of black metal enthusiasts, so you can find most of the BM you want, although I've also had problems with mislabled albums. Sometimes fake advance copies float around out there. I thought I was getting Drudkh - Autumn Aurora, but the song lengths were wrong. Watch out for stuff like that on Soulseek.
Scourge of Malice said:
(like the UM one.. btw whats the address for that one, i forgot?)...

I use DC++, it is easily the best p2p program for getting music, metal especially.

I really don't like soulseek, it's like dc++ only easier for newbs, but the speeds are slow, not many people share and you have to wait in a queue for hours.