Best COB cd?

Im going to say that my favorite album is Hatecrew Deathroll, but my favorite song is Hate Me. So my order would be Hatecrew Deathroll, Follow the Reaper, Hatebreeder, then last nut not least Something Wild. Bot that i hate something wild, but it has to come last after the other albums.

Buying any of the albums first would be a good idea, they dont have a bad album imo.
Hatebreeder. It's beyond fucking brilliant! Along with Soilwork's 'A Predator's Portrait' it was the album that got me into this whole melodic-death scene. I remember the first time I heard 'Silent Night, Bodom Night', when Alexi snarls 'when the calm is settling in...' and the keyboard goes all neo-classical. I nearly shit myself. I'd never heard anything like it before. So fresh, so original, so... well, you get my point. Just get the f*****g album already!