CoB not tr00 anymore?

I don't think they've been tr000x since Follow the Reaper. But who cares as long as they make a thousand times better songs than In Flames today.
FUCK YOU. Bodom will never sell out like In Flames. They have way to much respect for us fans to do that.
Oh my god, that was the best post ever! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

And to answer your question. I think they're going for a more simple direction because they now have the fanbase so they don't have to work as hard..... Fuck that.

I also am bored of this "ALEXI IS GOD!" stuff. NEws flash. HE ISN'T.... He's a guitarist who can play some shit fast. Whoop de doo, i know millions of better bands who write more melodic/Faster/Technical/Deeper songs with much more variation...

Fuck it, CoB are boring the hell out of me.

answer your question?

Oh, and feel free to flame me.
NeedledWarheart said:
I also am bored of this "ALEXI IS GOD!" stuff.
Me too, kind of. While I still think he's great and really respect him, I think it's silly how some people WORSHIP THE CRAP OUT OF HIM. And try to become just like him.
C'mon people, do your *own* thing :rolleyes:

[edit] And Gav, yeah I understand and thx for answering. I won't flame you for criticizing COB; it's just that before, I had been wondering "Has Allu recently peed on some Scottish dreadlocks?!?" :lol: :lol:
SR~VE said:
[edit] And Gav, yeah I understand and thx for answering. I won't flame you for criticizing COB; it's just that before, I had been wondering "Has Allu recently peed on some Scottish dreadlocks?!?" :lol: :lol:

If he had, there would be no CoB left as he would be dead now :lol:
A Fire Inside said:
I think he's one of the few that realised that CoB are not the best band in the world lolz their so god alixe is the most metal bunneh omg omg omg fuck u if u dont liek cob u'r betta of ded red lite in me eyexz!
I really dont know why everyone is freaking out its not your band or your music, in my opinion you lety them do what they want when they wnat because there the ones who started this fucking crazy ass super good music soo let them do what they want i mean i kind of like how they change i dont want to hear a copy of fllow the reaper a 100 times in a row.
bodombeach321 said:
I really dont know why everyone is freaking out its not your band or your music, in my opinion you lety them do what they want when they wnat because there the ones who started this fucking crazy ass super good music soo let them do what they want i mean i kind of like how they change i dont want to hear a copy of fllow the reaper a 100 times in a row.

but if it is nu metal stuff and it sucks shit then is it really super good music anymore?? ][ = 73|-| |2][|)|)|_3z0|2.
I don't have a problem with the direction CoB is going. Actually, I like it. Alexi is doing alot more than he has before, Janne is getting better, the whole sound of the band is maturing.

Alexi may not be god but jesus christ he's good.