CoB not tr00 anymore?


Confusing avatar! :O
Jan 2, 2004
We have to wait until the album release but...

Doesn't it look like CoB is going throught the "evil way" ala In Flames?

I don't wanna see CoB in MTV, and a rasta-alexi either. :cry:

When I said 'tr00', I didn't mean the real 'tr00' concept. And wasn't even meaning to be true ( without zeros ) to metal, but to be true ( without zeros again ) to themselves.

I found CoB a different metal band, and I still want to think in the same way. I find great they don't say "I'm more tr00 than gates of hell!", and I find great that they are not just another bunch of black sheep (dunno if you see what I mean... ).

But when I listened to TL&S and Knuckleduster, it had less CoB elements than ever, and it did not kick kick my ass ( MY ass, I repeat ). And I know that they can't do the same shit always, but... huh, I felt that way. I just hope the next album is as great as the previous ones ( HCDR included ).

@Justinschut: I think you can't say 'CoB will always rule', because they can change ( and they are doing ). However, Something Wild, Hatebreeder, Follow The Reaper, and Hate Crew Deathroll will always rule. :headbang: And for the 'fuck off' thing: I forgive you. :D

That's it.
COB should go to forward on their music, yes something wild was something awsome, but hmm...COB they're still kick ass, and i respect Laiho to be hell of guitar player, i always to be like COB they were' first "true" heavyband that i hear, i dig them thenm i dig them now, always, hate crew deathroll is great album, why peoples are not liking so much it?yeah they probably don't too anymore hits like silent night, bodom night or downfall, but if they choose the way to go more fast/heavier i don't give a fuck about it, if they like to that way thats it, i listen them on when they make good songs, but when they start to make bad songs i won't listen them (lets hope they never gonna do a bad song)...
Children of Bodom is a different Band now then they where when they released SW......
I think their new ESP guitars sound to clean...
They should change their name into Hatecrew....cuz HCDR sounds not like Bodom (or what I relate with them).
But I like HCDR and the new EP, its like 2 Bands in 1 formation.
I agree with Missiles myself. I think the band has definitely lost itself, and I don't think they truly know just how good they were back in the 99 era. In my opinion from 97-2001 they were probably the greatest band on the planet. They are still my favourite band and all. But they are becoming less and less appealing if they don't have the aspect that made them different from their peers.

I am yet to hear an album that sounds like or is as good as Something Wild or Hatebreeder. But I have heard bands play music very similar to Hatecrew and now even more so, the new EP.
Personally I think the band need to sit down. Listen to their first 2 albums again, and understand why they are so good, and understand why they got them were they are today. Its all very good looking to the future, evolving etc. But neglecting YOUR sound to evolve is not wise in my opinion.
Some people have been complaining about the fact that COB is getting more and more popular all the time. You guys should be happy, it seems the band has now found a solution!