When I got my Odyssey shirt autographed, Mike Lepond signed on the frontmost Siren's ass. I don't know if that was intentional, or if it was just because it was the easiest spot to see black sharpee. For some reason, i feel I needed to say something.
When I got my Odyssey shirt autographed, Mike Lepond signed on the frontmost Siren's ass. I don't know if that was intentional, or if it was just because it was the easiest spot to see black sharpee. For some reason, i feel I needed to say something.
Nah. I'm just being the outside me. In other words, the side of me that says things that are unneccesary and somewhat random. Just a small detour from my serious Forum-posting self. :Spin:
EDIT: I put the quote in because I didnt realize this would start another page.