Best Cradle of filth album

I agree with him on this point, actually. CoF are a really terrible band. His post may have been less than constructive, but it's still more or less correct.

Oh, and in the interest of elaboration: Dani Filth is a very, very bad singer who wins the gay outfit/demeanor competition hands down (a competition which includes Halford, for the record*). Also, his band name and his pseudonym match up in such a way that it conjures the image of him curled up in a cradle, which is just... charming.

*: This is not intended in any way as a slur against him, by the way, If anyone can make physical love between two dudes fairly cool, it's Halford.
Whatever the case may be, Have you ever tried to sing like him?? Seriously.

That's a bizarre and illogical argument. I'm not the lead singer for a band, but that in no way excludes me from criticizing Dani; that would be like saying Roger Ebert isn't allowed to criticize movies because he doesn't direct them.

Presumably people who are getting paid to do something and have been doing that thing for years are going to be better at it than people who haven't. An educated opinion is the necessary factor in making criticism valid, and believe me, I know what horrible fucking singing sounds like when I hear it.
I'm just saying that he's good at what he does. Of course you don't have to like his singing. Thing is, you can hate the way he sounds, but it's still very tough to sing like him. It doesn't necessarily make something bad just because you don't like it, & that can apllied to a lot of stuff.

Whatever. Anyways, I'm not trying to purposely over analyze your post. You obviously know what I'm saying.
Sorry, I don't mean to come off as so vitriolic. Of course you have the right to enjoy whatever you want. I don't view Filth as particularly "good at what he does," but I'm not a music major or anything, I just listen to a lot of metal.
I'm a little surprised InfantChaos hasn't heard Cradle, but it depends on whether he likes the older or newer stuff or both, something in between would probably be the best thing for him, like Midian or Cruelty, or if he's into black metal perhaps Dusk and Her Embrace.
I do not own any CoF and do not listen to them on a basis. I think thornography is their best album because Dani Filth is least annoying than on all previous albums.
That's a bizarre and illogical argument. I'm not the lead singer for a band, but that in no way excludes me from criticizing Dani; that would be like saying Roger Ebert isn't allowed to criticize movies because he doesn't direct them.

Presumably people who are getting paid to do something and have been doing that thing for years are going to be better at it than people who haven't. An educated opinion is the necessary factor in making criticism valid, and believe me, I know what horrible fucking singing sounds like when I hear it.

Wow... I have never heard a better reply ever. I mean S<issors fucking torched your ass. Jesus Christ...
I do not own any CoF and do not listen to them on a basis. I think thornography is their best album because Dani Filth is least annoying than on all previous albums.

You have weird taste (again). I don't care for any of their material but I can say for certain that they have been steadily going further and further down the shitter since Midian.
I heard I Am The Thorn from Thornography and it was good, so maybe Thornography isnt so bad with the exception of Temptation, Libertina Grimm was good too.
Man, haven't listend to CoF in years since discovering that there are tons of better bands out there. But my favorites were always Vempire, Dusk, and Cruelty.
The best Cof songs imo:

The Forest Whispers my Name
The Black Goddess Rises
Queen of Winter Throned
Bathory Aria
Dusk and Her Embrace
The Twisted Nails of Faith

Well that's about it, I haven't heard anything after 1998 and I'm sure I'm not missing anything judging by the reviews.
I love their first 4 releases, almost by order of their release date with 'Principle' being my favourite. The next few range from alright (Succubi, Nymphetamine) to excellent (Damnation, Midian) and well, Thornography was the final nail in the coffin for me - what a terrible album. It marked the point of which I could really no longer say they are a 'good band' and yes, at this moment in their career they are fucking awful. There's everything wrong with the band, and I really can't say anything positive about them anymore.