Best Death Metal of 2006

I didn't really get into it when it was first released but it's pretty much all I've been listening to the last month. Great album.

Yeah, I stand firmly by what I wrote earlier. I have listened to it numerous times and it has so far never shown any signs of growing stale, which is usually the case with albums of the more melodious and catchy kind. What really strikes me is how consistant it is in terms of song quality, each one is memorable and can stand on its own, and I'd say Internal Fire is the only weak track --- rest in chaos Jon! :goggly:
So I approve of:

Tell me more about those 4 bands, in particular, Drawn & Quartered. I'm sure I've heard this band before from another thread recommendation. This band is leading the charge! :kickass:

Somehow I've managed to overlook this post until now, sorry 'bout that. Glad to see that you enjoyed some of the tracks on the comp!

I'd recommend checking out Vorkreist's "Sublimation XXIX" album, considering you enjoyed "Great Order..". The entire record is a tour de force in blackened, atmospheric, sinister death metal. All the tracks are pretty similar to the one I posted, but I don't think it gets boring at all. Their other full-length, "Sabbathical Flesh Possession", has pretty shitty production and not as good songwriting, so go for "Sublimation XXIX" if you're considering getting some Vorkreist material.

General Surgery is often labelled as pure Carcass clonery, but their latest offering, "Left Hand Pathology", is a very fine ass-kicking, groovy, grinding, headbanging, beer-drinking death metal album in the old school vein.

Drawn And Quartered has made a pretty big name for themselves in the underground DM scene. Comparisons are easily drawn to both Immolation and Incantation, but that's seldom a bad thing, in my opinion. Far from just a copycat band, DAQ is definitely worthy of your attention. "Hail Infernal Darkness" will be a good place to start.

I've got little knowledge about Yyrkoon - only heard "Unhealthy Opera", their 2006 release, a couple of times. Apart from the excellent track I posted earlier, it didn't really manage to capture my interest.
I already started with YRKOON and *really* like their debut. I haven't heard their latest, but from what I hear, I'll quit while I'm ahead. Those other three DM bands are on my list too. I'll follow your suggestions.