Best gore/horror film you've seen

for what it's worth Marcus, there is no scene depicting the dog's death, he just pops out of the car dead, at least in the US version which is the one I saw.

I really don't think it's about a "message" at all for me, in my case I relate it to listening to brutal grind/death metal, I just like it. Can't really explain why I like it, but in the purest way possible of liking, I just... like it
yeah I kinda agree with Marcus , I read the wiki entry for Funny Games and it sounded really really dumb and unimaginative. I can't believe Tim Roth signed up for that
@Marcus, the original "Funny Games" was the most brutal and disturbing movie I ever saw. But to be honest, I didn´t enjoy it. It wasn´t a pleasure to watch this. The people who watched it together with me, were on drugs. Not Funny :D
@Marcus, the original "Funny Games" was the most brutal and disturbing movie I ever saw. But to be honest, I didn´t enjoy it. It wasn´t a pleasure to watch this. The people who watched it together with me, were on drugs. Not Funny :D

Same here. Just because I liked Tim Roth's acting in the remake doesn't mean on its on my Top 10 list. Both versions give me a bad feeling and don't sit well. That said, its still interesting how the Saw series is very popular given its just a gory and senseless in a sense. But then again, a horror film by its definition isn't really suppose like a Hallmark or Lifetime movie.
I dunno man, the rape scene in the remake of Last House on the Left was pretty fucking uncomfortable to watch too ... especially since that chick actually looked like she was 16 or 17

it was very fucking uncomfortable indeed...but the ending with the microwave was great.
(not the ending of the rape scene, the ending of the movie :p)

Braindead = olden but golden for me :D

Also wtf is "Funny Games", I thought I am supposed to know that?^^

Not too much into the gore/horror stuff in general though, exept for Werewolf movies :D (Bad Moon & Dog Soldieres are awesome, for example)
havent seen a lot of the stuff mentioned until now...

"The Orphanage" was GREAT too imo
I agree about the films with what seems violence for the sake of violence-if that makes sense. When I watch a horror movie I dont mind life like violence but it has to be supported by a decent story. Beating a dog to death--if it is done to build up the characters psychosis then fine but if its just to be "brutal" then its a waste.
Haha Marco, this is Austrian movie, you should know it :) I dunno, if I should recommend it to you, it´s a really unpleasant and senseless movie, but the actors are totally great (in both versions).

ah ok...seems nobody around me is freaky enough to know this kind of stuff ;)
anyway, the only austrian movie I really know is "Nacktschnecken" (dunno if you know that felix ;) ) and it's got nothing to do with gore anyway :D
I'm not into unpleasent films a lot. Don't want to feel worse after I watched a movie...I want to feel better.
or I want to feel moar "ROAAAAAR!", like after watching "300" :lol: :lol:
What I loved about Funny Games (spoilers ahead) was the fact that it refused to give you what you wanted. Its so disturbing because of its realism, the silence, the lack of "jump scares," and the sheer callousness of the way the whole film is presented. Its not a gore-fest, there's no stupid fake scares - the buildup is slow and deliberate and disturbing.

All the audience wants is to see some vengeance, some redemption of any kind and when you finally do get it - its taken away. It broke every rule of newer horror movies.
It broke every rule of newer horror movies.

^THIS is one of the reason, I cannot say, it´s a bad movie after all (Kudos for the courage of the filmmaker) But I don´t wanna watch it again..never ever.

@Mago, "Nacktschnecken" I don´t know, but I really liked Hans Landa in "Inglorious Bastards" & Arni in Terminator 2 :D Austrian movie scene is alive!!
Forgive me for sounding painfully square and out-of-place in this thread, but I honestly don't know how you guys can enjoy watching these movies; I've been reading the wikipedia plot summaries for a bunch of them as they've been mentioned here, and I dunno, I'm all too aware of what human beings are capable of, but I don't exactly enjoy dwelling on it or being reminded of it.

I think it's especially the ones involving innocent people, especially happy families, that really get to me; I mean, reading the summary of that "Funny Games" movie, those scumbags beating a dog to death with golf clubs, and then torturing and killing the family; are these movies made by people who had horrible upbringings by unloving/absent/abusive parents, and this is simply their way of acting out their jealousy and hatred towards happy, well-adjusted people? I dunno, the graphic nature of these movies wouldn't be so hard for me to stomach if so much of it wasn't well within the realms of possibility, this is not a side of humanity I want to energize and be reminded of.

And to those who might say "it's important we be reminded humanity is capable of this", or the filmmakers who claim that or something similar as the "message" of the film, I'm sorry, but I can't buy that when it comes to the majority of movies that've been mentioned here; what possible purpose is served? I highly doubt it's gonna enact some great social change, or raise public awareness about home invasions or psychopaths; graphic violence in war movies at least serves a purpose; here it seems just intentionly designed to be as sick and twisted as possible, and I just can't understand how some people could find that appealing.

For me, a film isn't always about seeing a side of humanity we want to see.
What I like about horror movies, thrillers and hell, even some drama films is the sense of feeling uncomfortable.
I'm not the kinda guy to really sit through a comedy, because most of the time those kind movies don't really hit my emotions.
I like a real gut punching film, and as such watching films is not usually a social thing for me because my taste is generally 'boring' 'too slow, not enough happens' 'too full on' 'too scary' for most people.
I'm personally more into the headfuck kind of horror that doesn't involve much violence and not much gore, but sometimes a really up front gore movie can really hit the spot for me.
I think I was once like you, it was too much to stomach, but especially since I started watching a lot more world movies which have really outlandish stuff going on in them that most American movies wouldn't dare to venture, I've come to enjoy it more for what it is, which is just art
This is why you would LOVE Redneck Zombies Harry.

Speaking of Redneck Zombies, I ordered the Tromasterpiece edition the other night! Weeeeee :D
Also ordered Evil Dead 1 & 2 on Bluray because I have been feeling the overwhelming compulsion to revisit those 2 films. I haven't seen either in about a year, which was the first time I saw them both and I was in no state to consciously comprehend them. It will be nice to revisit them with more clarity.
I just watched Martyrs. HOLY FUCK that movie was awesome, it goes beyond gore and horror, it's a fucking masterpiece

Fuck yeah man.
I love that torture sequence.
It's cool how the tension is relieved in a way, but yet it's still just as fucked up to watch when that bit comes because it makes you feel uncomfortable and disturbed in a different way to the rest of the film prior to that.
Wish I could have filmed by chick friend that was over at my house watching it with me. She was clutching a pillow really tightly, and had this extreme look of fear in her eyes, and she would get super jumpy when an unexpected moment came in.
After the film finished, I started acting really strangely and saying really creepy, dark horse shit to her, and she was freaking out bad hahaha
i saw Funny Games(american version) just recently, its a good movie. its very well thought out and intellegent, which is only more disturbing given the subject matter. its twisted for sure, and at first i felt bad for watching it, but i couldnt stop watching it. and then at the end when it all comes together and you realize how well it was written, you cant help but like it. plus, they play grindcore during the title screen. if thats not intriguing i dont know what is. lol

Cannibal Holocaust made me feel like crap for watching it. hell the actors/actresses feel horrible for being in it. and they should. but its one of those movies everyone will see. because no one will ever talk about it. everyone always says "you just have to see it for yourself". and they are right. because even if some describes how horrible it is, i dont want to say it this way but... they cant do it justice. its is way worse than described. it would make the least moralistic person you know sit still and quiet. having said that, it feels like a victory to have watched it, because i dont know if everyone could make it through the entire thing.

i see that The Human Centipede is on the list. i have one of the few released dvds haha. its really not that gorey. there is obviously initial shock value, and one or two parts that are gross. but really, it has a surprisingly good story line, very well put together and unexpected. i think the most disturbing part is that its obvious who its based on. and he really did horrible experiments... plus, the movie is "100% medically accurate" which is cool. he did his research. although techinically IVs would have to be involved... BUT i saw that there is going to be a second movie, 0% medically accurate, that promises to make up for the lack of gore and shock value of the first. i'd be curious to see where they go with it.
Old German movie, "Necromancer" I think you can get it from film threat, they have some sick movies. Check out "Dead Snow" zombie gore, good stuff
Giving a bump like a troll to ask if there's some newer horror stuff out there worth watching?
They all look fake to me except the animal killings in cannibal holocaust which were real...honestly this is the worst kind of films and the ppl who like them are weirdos :lol: