Best guitarist today?

John Petrucci
Joe Satriani

+1 for Petrucci, he's my favorite guitarist.

-9 for Satriani, I love his music, but he's not as good as a lot of the other soloists. I'd take Steve Vai, Vinnie Moore, Tony MacAlpine, Eric Johnson or even Yngwie Malmsteen over Satriani. Don't get me wrong, I do like Satriani, but I wouldn't put him in the same category as Petrucci.
I find the question rather impossible to answer because I'd have to ask myself what style, and often, I prefer soul/feeling over technical skills, and some guitarists are just brilliant in their niches, but not in others.

I'm extremely fond of Reine Fiske's (Morte Macabre, Landberk, early Paatos, Dungen, etc) guitaring since what he does it just tugs at my core. Makes me want to cry at times. And I'm also fond of Robin Guthrie's (Cocteau Twins) eerie dreamy tones. In metal, I love Fredrik Thordendal best, probably. Prog...oh...that answer might take a lot of thinking, since there's a lot to think about hahahaha! Shredders...probably Buckethead, although I'm not fond of shredding for the sake of it...I actually prefer Buckethead when he's being atmospheric, like in Death Cube K, for example.
A guitarist I always think is under appreciated is Blakkheim, espcially in Diabolical Masquerade.

Thank you! Diabolical Masquerade had some very creative textures and moods, just from the guitar. Sometimes it was surprisingly emotional ('Rider on the Bonez', 'All Onboard the Perdition Hearze!', 'Haunted by Horror', 'Blackheim's Hunt for Nocturnal Grace', lots of stuff from 'Death's Design', etc.). And his work in Katatonia, while not very technical, is sublime - just listen to the moods and feelings he conveys in his aural 'paintings'! Just great.