Best Morbid Angel album?

Well, I guess alot of people will recommend some of the old albums, but I say it's "Formulas..."
The latest one "GtA" is VERY good, but it's difficult to get into (and the first songs on the album are much slower than normal)
Fuck man.There all so fucking equlay good.But my fav at the moment is Formula's as it is the latest one i've bought.I'm still yet to hear Gateway's so i'm yet to form an opinion on that one.But if your a new fan i'd suggest you work from the bottom up.All their old releases are killer.Start with Altars Of Madness and even Abominations Of Desolation and work your way up.You won't be dissapointed.Ever.
Easily Blessed are the sick by a cakewalk!
I like Domination a lot as well though it does sound very different than other MA albums. Gateways bored me qite a bit. Very difficult to get into as someone said. Formulas has some very cool songs. Altars sounds quite Black metal in places but is a classic. Just get most of'em but start with Blessed! Best riffs,vocals and drumming though unfortunately not the best sound.
I only have Altars of Madness and Gateways To Annihilation out of those i like Altars of Madness best by far :)
Domination is in my top 10 of all time, it is by far the best Morbid Angel album. Blessed Are the Sick takes second place, with all others falling into 3rd. Get them all though, ABCDEFG and someday H...?