best of 07

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
ok, i think its late enough in the year for this. whats the list look like? i'm still working on mine, but turisas is on top
Aeon-Rise to Dominate
Behemoth-The Apostosy
Cephalic Carnage-Xenosapien
Darkthrone - F.O.A.D.
Elend-A World in Their Screams
Limbonic Art-Legacy of Evil
Mayhem-Ordo Ad Chao

i really couldnt pick. these were my favourites for this year.
Too early to compile a list. This is what I've liked and what I expect I might like. I'm forgetting many and there are many that I haven't heard yet:

Deathevokation - The Chalice Of Ages
Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
Church Bizarre - Sinister Glorification
Witchtrap - No Anesthesia!
Darkthrone - F.O.A.D.
Graveland - Will Stronger Than Death
Inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations
Atlantean Kodex - The Pnakotic Demos
Stiny Plamenu - Odpadni Galerie
Minotauri - II
Deathspell Omega - Fas- Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
Mandatory - ...Where They Bleed
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Reverend Bizarre - Teutonic Witch
Stygian Shore - The Shore Will Arise
Drudkh - Anti-Urban
Profanatica - Profanatitas De Domonatia
Morrigan - The Damned
The Lamp Of Thoth - The Cauldron Of Witchery
Raventale - On A Crystal Swing
Kaamos - Scales Of Leviathan
Drowned - Viscera Terræ
Blaspherian - Allegiance To The Will Of Damnation
Denial - Immense Carnage Vortex
Ribspreader - The Monolith
Eviscerated - Rituals Of Reanimation

Need to hear:

Reverend Bizarre - III: So Long Suckers!
Doomsword - My Name Will Live On
Centurions Ghost - The Great Work
Pale Divine - Cemetery Earth
Slough Feg - Hardworlder
Burning Saviours - Nymphs And Weavers
Witchcraft - The Alchemist
Holy Martyr - Still At War
Drudkh - Estrangement
Griftegard - Psalm-BOK
Mekong Delta - Lurking Fear
Countess - Blazing Flames Of War
King Diamond - Give Me Your Soul...Please
Candlemass - King Of The Grey Islands
Mael Mordha - Gealtacht Mael Mordha
Upwards Of Endtime - From Genesis To Apocalypse And Beyond
Earth Flight - Earth Flight
Totem - Totem
Serpentcult - Trident Nor Fire
Nunslaughter - Hex
Runemagick - Dawn Of The End
Shining - V: Halmstad
Darkestrah - Epos
Nominon - Terra Necrosis
In Aeturnum - Curse Of Devastation
Primordial – To The Nameless Dead
Portal - Outre
Angantyr / Nasheim - split
Fortid - Voluspa Part II: The Arrival of Fenris
Ohtar - Human Fuel of Death
Nifelheim - Envoy of Lucifer
Eternity - Funeral Mass
Walknut - Graveforests and their Shadows
Wolfnacht - Dawn of Heathens
Wolves In The Throne Room - Two Hunters
Evoken - A Caress Of The Void
Gospel Of The Horns - Realm Of The Damned
Villains - Drenched In The Poisons
Steel Assassin - War Of The Eight Saints
Altar Of Oblivion - The Shadow Era
It's a bit early as I have yet to hear '07 releases from the last couple of months but so far my list is something like this:

1: Rotting Christ - Theogonia
2: Vital Remains - Icons Of Evil
3: Municipal Waste - The Art Of Partying
4: Nightwish - Dark Passion Play
5: Dark Tranquillity - Fiction
6: Malignancy - Inhuman Grotesqueries
7: Aeon - Rise To Dominate
8: Candlemass - King Of The Grey Islands
9: Nile - Ithyphallic
10: Beneath The Massacre - Mechanics Of Dysfunction
Way too early for a complete, detailed, and ordered list but here is a rough idea of mine in no certain order:

In The Lead - Best Of '07
High on Fire – Death Is This Communion
Big Business – Here Comes The Waterworks
Centurions Ghost – The Great Work
Slough Feg – Hardworlder
Pig Destroyer – Phantom Limb
Stinking Lizaveta – Scream of The Iron Iconoclast
Reverend Bizarre – III: So Long Suckers!
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Against Nature – Unfolded
Mammatus – The Coast Explodes

Best EP/Demos
Griftegard – Psalm Bok
Weird Light - Doomicvs Vobiscvm
Dwell Within - Monkshood
Solace – The Black Black
Argus - Demo 2007
Serpentcult - Trident Nor Fire
Totem – Totem

Best Non-Metal
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Iron & Wine – The Shepherd’s Dog
Ulver - Shadows of The Sun

Other Notables "In The Race"
Keen of The Crow – Hyborea
Primordial – To The Nameless Dead
Earth Flight – Earth Flight
The Ocean - Precambrian
Electric Wizard – Witchcult Today
Pale Divine – Cemetery Earth
Doomsword – My Name Will Live On
Voodooshock – Maries Sisters Garden
Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
Against Nature - The Anxiety of Influence
Rwake – Voices of Omens
Josiah – No Time
Mekong Delta - Lurking Fear
Darkestrah - Epos
Today Is The Day – Axis Of Eden
Holy Martyr – Still At War
Warchetype – Goat Goddess Supremacy
Portal - Outre

Still to come out: Hour of 13, Burning Saviours, Arghoslent (maybe)
My current list. Still plenty more to hear

1. Alatyr - Alatyr
2. Infernal Revulsion - Devastate Under Hallucination
3. Down From the Wound - Agony Through Rituals of Self Purification
4. Inveracity - Extermination of Millions
5. Be Persecuted - I.I
6. Human Rejection - Torture of Decimation
7. Malignancy - Inhuman Grotesqueries
8. Defeated Sanity - Psalms of the Moribund
9. Putridity - Mental Prolapse Induces Necrophilism
10. Cenotaph - Reincarnation in Gorextasy
Funeral Winds - Nexion xul
inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations
profanatica - Profanatitas De Domonatia
bestial raids - Reversed Black Trinity
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Graveland - will stronger than death
Kaamos - scales of leviathan
Angantyr / Nasheim - split
Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
Deathevokation - The Chalice Of Ages
Reverend Bizarre - III: So Long Suckers!
Drudkh - Estrangement
Angantyr - haevn
Drowned - Viscera Terræ
Darkestrah - Epos
Walknut - Graveforests
Portal - Outre
Worship - Doom
Evoken - A Caress Of The Void
Peste Noire - Lorraine Rehearsal
Mutiilation - Sorrow Galaxies
NIFELHEIM -Envoy of Lucifer
Besatt- Triumph of Antichrist

all i can think of for now. im missing a ton more though..
Like many others, it's still too early for a complete list. This is what I've come up with.

DeathevokatioN - Chalice of Ages
Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
Morrigan - The Damned
Inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations
Graveland - Will Stronger Than Death
Church Bizarre - Sinister Glorification
Fortid - Voluspa Part II: The Arrival of Fenris
Nominon - Terra Necrosis
Ohtar - Human Fuel of Death
Nifelheim - Envoy of Lucifer
Profanatica - Profanatitas De Domonatia
Eternity - Funeral Mass
Kaamos - Scales of Leviathan
Walknut - Graveforests and their Shadows
Wolfnacht - Dawn of Heathens
10.Inveracity-Extermination of Millions
9.Odious Mortem-Cryptic Implosion
8.Malignancy-Inhuman Grotesqueries
7.Rocco Duluca and The Burden-I Trust You To Kill Me
6.Peste Noire-Folkfuck Folie
5.Wolves In The Throne Room-Two Hunters
3.Spoon-GA GA GA GA GA
2.Interpol-Our Love To Admire
1.Radiohead-In Rainbows
There's a ton of stuff from this year I haven't heard yet, but this is my assessment of what I've heard so far.

My 5 Best of 2007 (in alphabetical order)

Abigor - Fractal Possession
Behemoth - The Apostasy
Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today
Marduk - Rom 5:12

Honorable Mentions

Alatyr - Alatyr
Be Persecuted - I.I
Black Funeral - Waters of Weeping
Crionics - Neuthrone
Dark Tranquillity - Fiction
Dimmu Borgir - In Sorte Diaboli
Eldrig - Kali
Limbonic Art - Legacy of Evil
N.I.L. - N.I.L.
Naglfar - Harvest
Watain - Sworn to the Dark


Apostolum - Anedonia
Blut Aus Nord - Odinist
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao
There's a ton of stuff from this year I haven't heard yet, but this is my assessment of what I've heard so far.

My 5 Best of 2007 (in alphabetical order)

Abigor - Fractal Possession
Behemoth - The Apostasy
Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today
Marduk - Rom 5:12

Honorable Mentions

Alatyr - Alatyr
Be Persecuted - I.I
Black Funeral - Waters of Weeping
Crionics - Neuthrone
Dark Tranquillity - Fiction
Dimmu Borgir - In Sorte Diaboli
Eldrig - Kali
Limbonic Art - Legacy of Evil
N.I.L. - N.I.L.
Naglfar - Harvest
Watain - Sworn to the Dark


Apostolum - Anedonia
Blut Aus Nord - Odinist
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao

Could you tell me how the new Electric Wizard and Black Funeral records sound?

BTW I thought you had said that Ordo Ad Chao was in your top 10 this year?
Could you tell me how the new Electric Wizard and Black Funeral records sound?

Witchcult Today is an excellent record. The band uses a cleaner production with more memorable riffs and vocal lines, but by no means does this take away from the effect. There's also a bit of drone experimentation on this album along with some good old rocking Sabbath worship in parts.

Waters of Weeping is a strange album. While Ordog was a consistent slew of rather inaccessible black metal songs, this album tends to alternate between slightly more accessible black metal songs and some dark ambient tracks, taking advantage of guitar distortion in various ways. Overall it's a solid album as a whole, but not if you're looking for consistency.

BTW I thought you had said that Ordo Ad Chao was in your top 10 this year?

If it was ever in any of my lists, it must have been early in the year before I had so many of the year's better albums to compare it too. And I overestimated the album's potential to grow on me, because it failed.
Witchcult Today is an excellent record. The band uses a cleaner production with more memorable riffs and vocal lines, but by no means does this take away from the effect. There's also a bit of drone experimentation on this album along with some good old rocking Sabbath worship in parts.

Waters of Weeping is a strange album. While Ordog was a consistent slew of rather inaccessible black metal songs, this album tends to alternate between slightly more accessible black metal songs and some dark ambient tracks, taking advantage of guitar distortion in various ways. Overall it's a solid album as a whole, but not if you're looking for consistency.

So basically, I need to buy both of those records.
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Nae'blis - Sketches of Reality
Darkestrah - Epos
Drudkh - Estrangement
Deathspell Omega - Fas..
Wolves in the Throne - Two Hunters
Pale Divine - Cemetery Earth
Candlemass - King of the Grey Island
Mandatory - ...Where they Bleed
Stygian Shore - The Shore Will Arise
Upwards of Endtime - From Genesis to Apocalypse and Beyound
Centurions Ghost - Great Work
Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
Portal - Outre
Earth Flight - Earth Flight
Totem - Totem
Slough Feg – Hardworlder
Against Nature - Unfolded

That's all I can think of..
Primordial's "To The Nameless Dead" is definitely my favourite this year

other great releases:

Alchemist - Tripsis
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Evoken - A CaressOf The Void
Verdunkeln - Einblick In Den Qualenfall
Wolves In The Throne Room - Two Hunters
Paradise Lost - In Requiem
Rotting Christ - Theogonia
Deathspell Omega - Fas
Therion - Gothic Kabbalah
Farsot - IIII
Novembers Doom - The Novella Reservoir
Candlemasss - King Of The Grey Islands
Shining - V: Halmstad
Dalriada - Kikelet
The Ocean - Precambrian
Wyrd - Kammen
Helrunar - Baldr Og Iss
Pig Destroyer's Phantom Limb was excellent, as was Swallow the Sun's Hope, Nile's Ithyphallic, Dream Theater's Systematic Chaos, and Neurosis' Given to the Rising.

New Ulver, Paradise Lost, Porcupine Tree, and Radiohead aren't exactly metal, but they all rule as well.