Best of 2005 - new, old, on the fence, disappointing, and still to come

Best new releases:
God Dethroned –The Lair of the White Worm (Top 10 material already!!)
Novembers Doom - Pale Haunt Departure (Ditto!!)
Dark Tranquillity- Character

Bloodbath – Nightmares made Flesh
Mercenary – 11 Dreams
Enslaved – Isa
Kreator – Enemy Of God

Best old shit that I'm only just getting round to:
Ayreon – Into the Electric Castle

Ayreon – The Final Experiment
Therion _Lemuria/Sirius B (not really old, old, but I didn’t get a chance to wrap my ears around it last year)

On the fence:
Overkill –ReliXIV

Judas Priest – Angel of Retribution
Black Label Society - Mafia


Dissection – Maha Kali (hope the album is better than this song….)
Rapture – The Silent Stage
Masterplan – Aeronautics (loved the debut, what happened?

Still to Come:
Nile – How will they top the epic, mammoth In Their Darkened Shrines???

That’s all I can think of at the moment….
Papa Josh said:
Dissection – Maha Kali (hope the album is better than this song….)

No shit, right? I can honestly say that the new Dissection is not an automatic buy. I'll wait for other opinions and reviews.
J. said:
No shit, right? I can honestly say that the new Dissection is not an automatic buy. I'll wait for other opinions and reviews.

I honestly expected some wicked shit.... I mean this guy actually killed another human being....

Guess we expected too much from someone who's claim to fame at one point was murdering a homosexual.

Jon Notveldt is GAY. :loco:
Best New Stuff:

Moonsorrow - this is absolutely outstanding
Dark Tranquillity

Worst New Stuff:

Kreator - huge disappointment after the monster that was Violent Revolution

Best old shit I'm just getting around to:

Pyramaze - Zod was dead on with this recommendation

Most anticipated:

Dew Scented - bring on the next thrashterpiece!!
Negura Bunget
Demons & Wizards
Dark One said:
Why? I can't wait for this.

Well, 12-18 months ago I was drooling at all the existing Negura Bunget releases, especially their last two...and now the moment has passed somewhat.

It's still an 'instant buy', but I'm just not at that same level of excitement as I was back then. There is just so much other great stuff on the horizon, including current releases, so it'll get swallowed up a little.

These days, new Primordial > anything by Negura Bunget

If it keeps going like this, 2005 could be bloody marvellous. Historic perhaps.
Best new releases:

I've only heard Novembers Doom and Bloodbath. Both pretty alright. Waiting for the new Hermano to show up, but their new material in concert was ASTOUNDING.

Best old shit that I'm only just getting round to:

Oodles of stoner.
Dillinger Escape Plan

On the fence:

That Priest song I heard was pretty cool!

Still to Come:

The Lord Weird Slough Feg
Hammers of Misfortune
Queens of the Stone Age
Adrian Belew
Danzig (Black Aria II BIATCHES!!! :kickass: )
Dude, don't even pass judgement yet. Listen to Pimea ("Dark", I think) and you'll explode with glee. It might take 3 or 4 spins to sink in, but DAAAAAYYUUUUMM
One Inch Man said:
I've only heard Novembers Doom and Bloodbath.

That Bloodbath cd sounds completely boring to me. The first one had such charisma, 99% of which seems to be gone now. Eaten is the only song I ever get the urge to hear. It's too bad, probably my least favourite Swanö release.
Are SIGH releasing a new one? Bruce Dickinson? Is no one the least bit interested in the forthcoming Opeth?

Other than that, I can't wait to hear:

Moonsorrow (when does this come out???)
Nokturnal Mortum (ditto)
Hammers of Misfortune
Lord ERRIWIRRDS Slough Feg
Negura Bunget (you guys SURE they're putting out a new one?)
Drudkh (of course)

Fuck me, how in the hell are we supposed to do a top 10 this year??? :hypno:
Black Winter Day said:
Fuck me, how in the hell are we supposed to do a top 10 this year??? :hypno:

I know, it's going to be a monumental year with any luck.

Yes, Bruce is supposed to be releasing a new one. Not sure about Sigh, but that dude seems to be stuck in a rut with Necrophagia.

Yes, I am curious to hear the new Opeth - we all are, but of course, some will deny.... :grin: (The new one is supposed to sound like black metal :loco: )
Black Winter Day said:
Negura Bunget (you guys SURE they're putting out a new one?)

Positive. New EP, than a full-length called "Ome" (I think). That reminds me how much I want to hear a new Summoning album. I hope they mix it up.
Doomcifer said:
NAD, you seriously need to check out Spirit Caravan. BWD can attest to that.
Tell me more, tell me more, look at me, a big whore.
Demilich said:
That Bloodbath cd sounds completely boring to me. The first one had such charisma, 99% of which seems to be gone now. Eaten is the only song I ever get the urge to hear. It's too bad, probably my least favourite Swanö release.
It's Tägtgren's vocals, they are some of the best death vocals I've heard in ages and makes the whole band come alive. The EP is still the best, but the new one is pretty okay.

Oh yeah, can't wait for the new Fantômas but that goes without saying.

Heard a new Mars Volta song last night, it was pretty boring outside the vocals. Hopefully the rest isn't like that.

Oh, and I have zero expectations about new Taake and Negura Bunget material because I don't even care. I listen to one album each from those groups and the rest of their discographies that I own collect a lot of dust.
Black Winter Day said:
:rock: WINO!!!

I need to hear the latest Hidden Hand...

wino! :Smokin:

the latest hidden hand is rockin' , it won't be a top 10 for the year, but its totally a solid album thats worth hearing