Best of Deliverance

Best song off of Deliverance?

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Deliverance is by far the most perfect song on the album, followed by Wreath. A Fair Judgement has some awesome parts, but for me it's just too longwinded. I think it would be much better if it just stopped after the solo at 7.30. And the piano intro isn't that great to be honest. In fact, when I think about it it's the worst Opeth song EVER!!

That felt good.
I still don't understand what people see in Wreath. Granted,now that I got Deliverance on cd I and paid a bit more attention to it,I like it more. It's just still not that good on Opeth's standards...Mikael's clean vocals are nowhere to be found which isn't that could've been better had it been 5 minutes shorter.
By the Pain I See in Others is probably the best Opeth song in general (or at least a tie with Bleak).

Anyone who likes the acoustic interlude should listen to Pain of Salvation's The Perfect Element; there's a similarly brilliant mellow part in that song around the 5 minute mark.