Best part of any katatonia song

The "Fucking Lie" in the new live version of Ghost Of The Sun... :D :rock:

Pretty much everything in Consternation - the "Saw you in a lamp glow" part, the solo- big cheers to Vincent for playing this :)
The cool bass part in In The White, the chorus, ahh, everything again...
And so much else...
Falconspirit said:
Agreed :kickass:

Like most of you I think there are also many great parts in other Katatonia songs, but just to cite one I really like from the new album:

"...To overcome this, I become one with
Quiet colder, late november..."
- In The White :rock:

Easily the best part on the new album. Agreed.
And then of course:

"My dreams, dreams of violence, see them coming true."