I didn't feel like digging out my retail versions of the albums, so I decided to name my favorite parts of all of Katatonia's songs from my CD-R's that I made. I didn't include 'Scarlet Heavens' in the collection because I really don't like that song and it sounds nothing like Katatonia. But now I can listen straight through all of these cds without skipping a single song. At any rate, many people may believe that since I typed all of these out, that I have no life. Those many people would be absolutely correct.

Here we go...
'Intro' - Short instrumental track taken from the ending of TONIGHT'S DECISION. It works good as an intro.
'Day' - 1:56 - 2:28
'I Break' - 0:17 - 0:34 (any time in the song featuring that)
'Stalemate' - 2:24 - 3:02 (love the bass groove)
'Deadhouse' - I like the whole song, though the dolphins at the bridge are a bit out of place.
'Relention' - Love the chorus!
'Cold Ways' - Melody of the verses
'Gone' - I like it starting at 1:23
'Last Resort' - Love the guitars every time they play the part between 0:49 - 1:11
'Nerve' - I love the bit they play right before the choruses 0:56 - 1:15. but the chorus is great to.
'Saw You Drown' - Actually, the intro and verses are all I like in this song.
'Distrust' - The drums
'Quiet World' - Love the solemn melody of the verses. Also love 3:33 - 4:12
'Instrumental' - The whole track is a great chill/transition track in between albums
'For My Demons' - 3:44 - 4:35
'I Am Nothing' - Love the choruses!
'In Death, A Song' - 2:56 - 3:32
'Had To (Leave)' - 1:04 - 1:26 (any time they play that) also 3:06 - 3:53
'This Punishment' - The guitar at 1:34 - 2:12
'Right Into The Bliss' - Chorus and guitar during it are very infectious
'No Good Can Come Of This' - I love the main riff in this song
'Strained' - Intro leads and verses are great, both vocally and musically
'A Darkness Coming' - 1:57 - 2:22
'Nightmares By The Sea' - 2:21 - 2:56
'Black Session' - I love the main riff in this song as well. Starts at 1:05 and carries through verses
'No Devotion' - Didn't like this song until it changes tempo around 3:07. The great melody that plays until the end is stunning.
'Fractured' - 2:22 - 2:40
'Help Me Disappear' - 3:32 - 4:15
'Dispossession' - The entire intro gives me chills.
'Chrome' - Love the intro and the prechoruses with the echo effect when he sings "away" and "say"
'We Must Bury You' - Maybe the ending? Definitely one of my least favorite songs.
'Teargas' - Intro is great. Also love the guitar between 1:46 - 2:07
'I Transpire' - I like the little groove/drums after the choruses
'Tonight's Music' - Another great intro. Also love 3:14 through to the end of the song
'Clean Today' - Love the whole intro. I also love the bridge.
'The Future Of Speech' - I adore the sorrowful violins in the intro and when the band joins in. One of my favorite older songs.
'Passing Bird' - The wicked guitar/tempo at the bridge between 2:30 - 3:00
'Sweet Nurse' - I like the vocal melody at the chorus.
'Don't Tell A Soul' - Love that subtle background guitar in the verses that plays in between Jonas' lines.
'Sulfur' - Love the vocals at the intro. Also love the ending starting at 5:06
'March 4' - I love the sinister tempo starting at 0:32. Any time they play that part.
'O How I Enjoy The Light' - Music at the verses is pretty cool (even if it's a cover)
'Ghost Of The Sun' - Like the choruses and the bridge starting at 2:16
'Sleeper' - Prechoruses 0:40 - 1:00. Favorite part of song is the ending starting at 2:22
'Criminals' - Love the chorus and the way he sings the verses.
'A Premonition' - Love this one! Some of his best vocals. Kinda wish it wouldn't have picked up at 1:27.
'Will I Arrive' - Chorus is pretty good.
'Burn The Remembrance' - Intro has a sweet latin sound to it. Love the verses when the keys come in. Ending is badass to.
'Wealth' - This song is chaotic but that little hook at the end of the main riff is fantastic (0:35 - 0:40). The bridge is also a highlight.
'One Year From Now' - Another one of my least favorites. I can handle the chorus, but not a fan of the overall "waltz" feel it has.
'Walking By A Wire' - The verses shine here. That creepy organ is strangely appealing and memorable. Pre-chorus is also pretty sweet.
'Complicity' - The piano in the intro/verses is eerie. Also love the chorus vocal harmony. The bridge of this song is noteworthy.
'Evidence' - One of my favorites. The guitars at the verses are sinister sounding. At 2:33, this song goes from good to phenomenal.
'Omerta' - Another one of my favorites. Jonas's vocals here are some of his best. Great chill song. Wish it didn't end so abruptly though.
'Wait Outside' - Love the bridge of this song "wait for me outside will you hold on, can you hold on?"
'The City Of Glass' - It works as a transition track. I like the gothic choir type sound in the background.
'Leaders' - Here is where Jonas really started hitting his mark. Love the eerie vocals in the verses and the drumming leading to the first chorus.
'Deliberation' - Chorus is catchy enough, but I love the bridge where he sings "repeating cycle of light, no light. there's nothing in the airspace"
'Soil's Song' - Very hopeless/defeated vocals at the verses. Just beautiful.
'My Twin' - Love that "doomy" bassline/keyboard layered in the background of the verses. The melisma he uses on the words "grown", "gone" and "fire" is what mesmerizes me about his voice. Wish he used it more.
'Consternation' - 1:27 - 1:45. I also love the gorgeous leads between 2:36 - 3:11
'Follower' - Love the eeriely beautiful section between 2:11 - 2:30. Likewise between 3:38 - 4:18
'Rusted' - I love the way he sings "one" in both verses. Also love the vocals of the choruses.
'Increase' - "The severe sickness in this room" the way he sings that line with such despair.
'July' - Intro lyrics...love the melisma when he sings "& no voice of reason" at the intro and when he sings the word "stay" in the chorus. Also love the cymbals in the first half of the second verse.
'In The White' - How he fluctuates the tone of his voice in the first verse, particularly "but who am I to imply that I was found". The chorus also gives me chills.
'The Itch' - 2:24 - 2:56
'Journey Through Pressure' - The chilling "lost soul" sounding vocals of the verse, as well as the memorable chorus.
'Displaced' - 2:21 - 2:37
'Code Against The Code' - I like how the song builds at the intro. The vocals are very 'airy' sounding. I don't have a particular favorite part though.
'Unfurl' - The vocals in the chorus are mesmerizing. I also love the line "It's time to choose a side now"
'Dissolving Bonds' - I love how his vocals are a different tone than most of Katatonia's material. I swear I could hear a little Dave Matthews in there somewhere. And I love how the chorus brings back the more solemn type vocals.
'Forsaker' - Haunting vocals in the chorus, the short drum run at 1:33, the guitar solo at 2:07 and the too short guitar melody at 3:15.
'The Longest Year' - 3:05 - 3:25 <----pure badassness
'Idle Blood' - The choruses are beautiful.
'Onward Into Battle' - Again, the choruses are what make me love this song.
'Liberation' - The first verse all the way through is awesome, including pre-chorus. 3:44 - 3:49
'The Promise Of Deceit' - Love how this song doesn't give you the chorus right away. I love that guitar after he sings "come to think" and "think that you". I also adore the numbness in his voice as he sings "that you would tell me that I have no one". Wish the background vocal harmonies on the final chorus were louder.
'Nephilim' - "God of ruin" in the second verse, plus the solemn "la la la" parts.
'New Night' - "Oh my beloved one" in the second verse. Also love 2:37 - 3:09
'Inheritance' - The haunting way he sings "Let them inherit this fire now. Lest they will forget that we were ever here."
'Day And Then The Shade' - Love the verses and the section after the second verse and outro of the song.
'Departer' - The first half of the song is chilling, yet beautiful. The way he sings "departer" is perfect. Such a shame he disappears half way through.
'Ashen' - I love the short, eerie intermission at 0:41 before the song (and drums) explode back into gear. Also the chorus is impossible to try to not sing along to.
'Sold Heart' - I love the first half of this song until after the first chorus, then it sort of fades out.
'The Nearing Grave' - Not a Katatonia track, but I added it as a bonus track anyways because the melody of the vocals during the chorus is perfect.