Best part of any katatonia song

the middle-part of 'July'
the part where the heavy guitars hit in 'A Premonition'
the chorus in 'Criminals'
the percussion part in 'Burning The Remembrance'
the chorus in 'Will I Arrive'
the ending of 'Evidence'
the nd half of 'Inside The City Of Glass'
the solo in 'Distrust'
the tapping part in 'Brave'
well, ehhmmm..

the last part of evidence, the closing wah guitar in burn the remembrance, the whole omerta and its sudden ending..

oh these are dark sad days in mexico city!!:rock:
Vincent J. said:
I'd like to add The last part of the song "no devotion"

Definitely. The chords in that sequence crush me every time. My absolute favorite would be the clean break in "Without God". Other favorites include:

-The opening sequence of "Rainroom" because it's simultaneously triumphant and tragic

-The clean break in "Evidence"

-The verse riff in "Deadhouse"

-The intro to "For My Demons"

-The opening of "Disposession"
The first distorted riff in Endtime... and the line 'We lost the earth in fire'

and all of Funeral Wedding. orgasmic. right at the end, the screams, sounds like gargling broken glass. sweeeet
I'd give so much
For the courage to go
If I ask for your help,
Then you will knoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I could scream my guts out ;) )

I also like the part in the "increase" chorus when double bass starts rolling.