Best Progressive Concept Albums

I ask this question with 2 categories in mind:
A) Musically (Instruments, Vox, etc.)
B) Story/ Plot
C) Originality
D) Truth (If its based on anything, how true it stays to the story)

A) Scenes From A Memory
D) ???

60s- Beatles... You know what...
70s- The Wall or Tales from the Topographic Oceans
80s- O:M
90s- SFAM
00s- Be
BE= The Best concept ever, end of story.
In no particular order:

1) Pink Floyd - The Wall
2) Queensryche - Operation:Mindcrime
3) Dream Theater - Scenes from a Memory
4) Symphony X - V:The New Mythology Suite
5) Savatage - Streets, Dead Winter Dead, The Wake of Magellan (I just love those)
6) Nevermore - Dreaming Neon Black
7) Fear Factory - Obsolete (I know they're not prog, but it's a great example of their maturity up to that point with a cool concept about the overpowering of technology)
Luis said:
Prog Rock : Thick As A Brick

Prog Metal: V

THICK AS A BRICK !!!!!! Luis, I remember sitting and reading that LP insert
about "Little Milton" Bostock, the fictitional genius boy who they said wrote the lyrics to the album. Thick as a Brick is a great prog concept album.
Metropolis Part 2 said:
I ask this question with 2 categories in mind:
A) Musically (Instruments, Vox, etc.)
B) Story/ Plot
C) Originality
D) Truth (If its based on anything, how true it stays to the story)

A) Scenes From A Memory
D) ???

60s- Beatles... You know what...
70s- The Wall or Tales from the Topographic Oceans
80s- O:M
90s- SFAM
00s- Be
BE= The Best concept ever, end of story.

I agree fully. Be is magnificent. Although I'm a huge PoS fan, at first I didn't really grasp Be. But after a lot more spins, it sunk in and now I love it.
My first concept album was DT's Scenes from a memory. Recently I'm impressed by Pain of Salvation's works. V is also a great concept in my opinion :)
To me, a concept album must have a good concept and V just doesn't cut it, that's why I didn't include it in my response. Sure, the music is great, but its a shade weaker than SFAM Imo.
Metropolis Part 2 said:
To me, a concept album must have a good concept and V just doesn't cut it, that's why I didn't include it in my response. Sure, the music is great, but its a shade weaker than SFAM Imo.
You really don't think that V has a good concept? I love that concept. I don't see whats not to like about the story of Atlantis. Although I don't know the actual story of Atlantis, I don't know exactly how well V stays true to the original story. Even so, i really like the concept. I respect your opinion, but i just disagree with it. That's all.
Metropolis Part 2 said:
To me, a concept album must have a good concept and V just doesn't cut it, that's why I didn't include it in my response. Sure, the music is great, but its a shade weaker than SFAM Imo.

The concept of V is much more interesting than SFAM IMO.

While V is about the eternal war between good and evil, SFAM tell us the story about a paranoic guy...
As much as I love SFAM, I have to agree with Luis here. The story doesn't seem to have taken much thought; it's been done before...many times. V definately has a better story than SFAM, but V isn't included in my response because I feel that the music is mediocre compared to other Symphony X albums. For some reason, I just can't get into it...
ThornsOfSorrow said:
As much as I love SFAM, I have to agree with Luis here. The story doesn't seem to have taken much thought; it's been done before...many times. V definately has a better story than SFAM, but V isn't included in my response because I feel that the music is mediocre compared to other Symphony X albums. For some reason, I just can't get into it...

Fallen and Communion and the Oracle are mediocre?? :hypno:

Anyway, thanks to agree with me, you pretty girl.
I actually like the concept behind Scenes...I just didn't like the music in parts where it rambled on too much.

V, even if it's not the world's most "sophisticated, literary" concept, it's a lot of fun, and the music is pretty good. :)
Best Progressive Concept Albums by Story:
Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime
Pain of Salvation - Be

Best Progressive Concept Albums by Music:
Ayreon - The Human Equation
Symphony X - V: The New Mythology Suite