Best show you've been to?


Nov 29, 2002
I've been to a lot of good shows but my favorites have been as follows:

Hate Eternal/Exhumed/Mayhem- Mayhem were so terrible that my friend and I had more fun hanging out with the Exhumed guys and Eric Rutan!

Dimmu Borgir/Samael- I went to see them twice. Dimmu were good, though I am not a fan of theirs and it was almost an honor to be in the same room as Samael.
Hands down, ProgPower 3, but only because I missed the Brave New World tour. None of the usual nonsense associated with metal shows.
Blind Guardian is so awesome live, for me seeing them was earthshattering, because they are actually one of my favorite bands...ever. All 1500 people singing along to The Bards Song was fucking awesome.
I think my favorite concert was the Hellacopters at Roskilde Festival 2000. It was great, but not superb, so you can probably figure out that I haven't been to any superb concerts...yet...I hope.
Probably the best show I've been to, though I had to sit through two terrible bands, was Slayer/Morbid Angel/Pantera and Static-X and Skrape (I'd rather listen to Michael Jackson...). The sound was perfect, which is the only reason this was the best show. Oh, and Morbid Angel opened which was bullshit.

I seen Emperor/Borknagar/Peccatum in, I think it was '99. Whenever they were in North America on the IX Equilibrium tour. Saw'em at Ground Zero in Spartanburg, NC. Great fucking show, but the sound kind of sucked.
Best shows for me are as follows

1) Sinister/ Rooting Christ in 99 in Canada

2) Hypocrisy every other band sucked on the list except them

3) Samel

4) Amorphis
For this year:

No1 is definitely SAMAEL on Summer Breeze.

No2 is the PL-gig in cologne a month ago - it was perhaps the best gig of PL i have seen since '95 at Bizzare.

No3 is Amon Amarth in spring.

Under my top '02-gigs will be definitely the DT-gig which i will attend tomorrow! I look forward to bang my brain out of my head!!!!!!!!
Dimmu Borgir/Samael
loved Samael and Dimmu was ok
The Haunted/Witchery-that was very good
Dark Tranquillity-Excellent gig
The Reverend Horton Heat

Not a metal band but I dont give a shit.They destroyed any other live billing I have EVER seen.Amazing energy.
Other nominees:

Dillinger Escape Plan
Brian Setzer
best lineup: inflames/darktranquility/sentenced (and killswitch engage, who i could give a flying fuck about...)

most fun: many a gwar show, and arch enemy shows on last tour

i used to be really obsessed with type o negative and saw them like 8 times... i think since i was obsessed, it was awesome... but it was a long time ago and i cant really remember things past three months or so...
Tough to pick a fav show, I've been to so many but for this year I have two:

1. Throwdown/mostprecious blood/sworn enemy/suicide file@worcester palldium(upstairs)
I know these bands aren't metal but this was a great show, all the bands were awesome. Theplace was packed and the kids were crazy, lots of dancing, stage diving, pile-on's, and at one point during TD half the crowd was on stage singing along. Plus there were virtually no fights at the show. At a time when I was really starting to get sick of all the negative bullshit in the hardcore scene, this show reaffrimed my belief that the scene isn't dead yet.

2. Nile/Arch enemy/Hate eternal/orgin/all that remains@worcester palladium.
Best metal show I saw this year, since I missed the metal fest, all the bands kicked ass and Arch enemy stole the show, made me a fan of theirs for life. And Nile was sick as hell, one of the few American death metal bands I listen to.
1. ProgPowerUSAIII - hands down the best show ever! C'mon, the first U.S. show of Blind Guardian, Angra, Gamma Ray, Threshold, Edguy, Pain of Salvation - you can't get better than that! Top it off with some of the coolest fans without all the regular bullshit, it was one helluva time!

2. Dream Theater/Joe Satriani/King's X - I saw this tour twice, once in Detroit then once in Pittsburgh about 5 days later. The Detroit show was good, it was Joe's time to shine, but it felt a little "lacking" on the part of the Theater Boys... Then in Pittsburgh :eek: Dream Theater proved to me that they are, beyond a shadow of a doubt, my favorite band! They are so amazing live, I was stunned into only being able to sit and marvel at what was taking place before my eyes! Got to meet James LaBrie afterwards.. framed the ticket stubs of both shows!

3. Iron Maiden/Queensrÿche/Halford - I don't even need to say why this was a supreme show - just look at the lineup! :eek:

4. Iced Earth/In Flames/Jag Panzer/Summer Dying - It was a stripped down stage so there was nothing but amazing musicians playing incredible metal all night long! I love all four bands and it was first time seeing each and every one of them! I never partied so hard :)

5. In Flames/Dark Tranquillity/Sentanced/Summer Dying/Killswitch Engaged - I'm not a fan of Killswitch.. 'nuff said. Summer Dying is kind of regional to the Midwest I think. If you guys haven't heard them yet, check them out! Sentanced were a disappointment - drunk off their asses, sloppy playing, very unprofessional... Maybe they gave because they had to follow Dark Tranquillity who absolutely blew the roof off the place! That was their first U.S. tour and they were very excited - and it showed! Amazing band! In Flames was great, though eachtime I see them I anticipate more than I get. They still deliver a great show, I'm just expecting energy parallel with Dark Tranquillity, Edguy, or Summer Dying. Wonderful show!

~Sh0k~ ... who goes to enough shows to be a professional. If only that were possible!:rolleyes: