Best Singer in the Big Four


Feb 7, 2002
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Hands down Belladonna. I don't need to state the obvious. Hatfield lost any youthful aggression to his singing years ago. Tom is Tom. His shouting style is great with Slayer but that can have it's limitations. And Mustaine was probably never a natural born singer. Great guitarist but whatever his voice is shot now. Last time I saw him, he was singing falsetto and sounding like a muppet or a cat in heat.
I think Hetfield during 1986-1989 was the best by far - amazing voice. Nowadays of course is a different matter
I think Hetfield during 1986-1989 was the best by far - amazing voice. Nowadays of course is a different matter

Hetfiled and Mustaine sing and play at the same time. Something has to give. I know, I've been there before. Playing Master of Puppets and singing at the same time is difficult to do perfectly. Megadeth songs are even harder at times. Tom, well he gets the job done but is not fantastic at either, but perfect for Slayer. Much like what Lars is to Metallica.
Hands down Belladonna. I don't need to state the obvious. Hatfield lost any youthful aggression to his singing years ago. Tom is Tom. His shouting style is great with Slayer but that can have it's limitations. And Mustaine was probably never a natural born singer. Great guitarist but whatever his voice is shot now. Last time I saw him, he was singing falsetto and sounding like a muppet or a cat in heat.

Yes, what is actually going on with Mustaine and his voice? Saw the Big 4 on Swedish TV - was quite surprised he even went on stage with such a voice. Has he had surgery on his vocal chords or what's the story?
On the records, Joey, James, and Tom all are equally as good for each respective bands.

Live - no contest. Belladonna.
Hetfiled and Mustaine sing and play at the same time. Something has to give. I know, I've been there before.

With all due respect (which is none) you aren't James Hetfield. Maybe YOU can't sing and play at the same time, but James could, better than anyone else from the big 4.
His singing style nowadays is shit, so he loses out to Joey and Tom, but that's nothing to do with playing and singing at the same time.
Learning playing and singing reminded me of learning to ride a bike. And I would imagine it's like learning to juggle. Tricky as hell at first. Took practrice to get "used to it". Became second nature after a while.
Being a 'singer' yes Joey is far the best. No other 'singer' of the big 4 could sing Dio and then go sing Rush, and then pull of singing POT song era Anthrax.

But I think all of the 4 singers are great at what they do for the style of music they are playing. Though Mustaine has always been semi annoying to me
Being a 'singer' yes Joey is far the best. No other 'singer' of the big 4 could sing Dio and then go sing Rush, and then pull of singing POT song era Anthrax.

But I think all of the 4 singers are great at what they do for the style of music they are playing. Though Mustaine has always been semi annoying to me

I always loved Mustaine's voice for the snide and snotty tone in it. It's definitely more of a punk voice and it always fit the music well, especially since it's the only voice we've ever heard sing those songs as originals.

The voices that have held up the best (IMO), for being the original voices on ALL the studio albums, are Erik AK from Flotsam, Blitz (Overkill) and Chuck from Testament.
Chuck Billy's voice is definitely the one that holds up the best, and is the best IMO.
Being a 'singer' yes Joey is far the best. No other 'singer' of the big 4 could sing Dio and then go sing Rush, and then pull of singing POT song era Anthrax.

But I think all of the 4 singers are great at what they do for the style of music they are playing. Though Mustaine has always been semi annoying to me

Did anyone read this interview ??

The part where Mustaine chuckles at Belladonna for offering his services to sing on some Mustaine material. Geezz, I bet Mustaine is gonna feel stupid for turning him down after he hears WM. You can say what you will about Anthrax's writing style but there's no denying Joey's contributions and performance on WM(and I've only heard 2 tracks and bits). Mustaine seriously sounded like shit last time I saw him live which was OCT 2010. He sounded great in March of the same year but I was drinking all day long and right before Megadeth hit the stage, I shotgunned six gin and red bulls. So who really knows?