Best Taste in Music, 2008

Who has the best taste in music in 2008?

  • Belligerent

    Votes: 11 18.3%
  • Dodens Grav

    Votes: 26 43.3%
  • King Richard

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • The Ozzman

    Votes: 8 13.3%
  • Thoth-Amon

    Votes: 14 23.3%

  • Total voters
Belligerant: I'd love to drink a Bastard with ya, but our common ground in metal is sparse, based on your list (though I intend to check out Agalloch sooner rather than later).
:kickass:If i visit Arizona again we should knock a few back.

I think our tastes differ because i'm not a huge thrash fan as yourself. I didn't know you liked BM tbh.

Belligerent, no doubt. I think we agree on almost everything as far as tastes go.

The only big difference between us is the issue of power metal.
:cool: Indeed bro.
Me and Belligerent have a lot of the same prog/classic tastes so I voted for him. All of the choices have good taste in some fashion though
Mathiäs;7722186 said:
Me and Belligerent have a lot of the same prog/classic tastes so I voted for him. All of the choices have good taste in some fashion though

Don't see you much, but your taste is pretty good.

& fuck you Ozz.
:kickass:If i visit Arizona again we should knock a few back.

I think our tastes differ because i'm not a huge thrash fan as yourself. I didn't know you liked BM tbh.

Yeah, thrash is a big part of what I like, which is why I often click with Ozzman's taste, as well as Dodens. As for black metal, it is true that I am not a big fan. I like some, but what I have liked has not driven me to really delve into the genre as a whole. So if Dodens heavily favors BM, maybe Ozzman is still my closest match. Oh yeah, and he likes teh jazz-fusions!!

@King Richard: I guess I am kinda thinking, like, how long could I hang out with someone, or even just be subjected to their playlist, before I start to get annoyed. I could hang in a while with your classic/rock/pop stuff, and definitely your metal list, but that middle list would get to me. I do like AiC, STP, Soundgarden and similar, but not most of that other stuff.

Ok, first person to truthfully acknowledge early Oingo Boingo as pure genius get my vote!
Ozz is drunk 98% of the time the time, so therefore he's an asshole 98% of the time. The other 2% of the time he's actually a decent human being.

Right no I'm torn between Belligerent & King Drunkard...

My personal favorites in taste are Greys & Mathias, I believe.

I would like to see a list from Thoth, srsly... A list from Dodens would just be composed of 50+ bands I've never listened to before, so I'm not sure a list like that would help, but if you can bothered to do it, scweet.
Yeah, thrash is a big part of what I like, which is why I often click with Ozzman's taste, as well as Dodens. As for black metal, it is true that I am not a big fan. I like some, but what I have liked has not driven me to really delve into the genre as a whole. So if Dodens heavily favors BM, maybe Ozzman is still my closest match. Oh yeah, and he likes teh jazz-fusions!!

@King Richard: I guess I am kinda thinking, like, how long could I hang out with someone, or even just be subjected to their playlist, before I start to get annoyed. I could hang in a while with your classic/rock/pop stuff, and definitely your metal list, but that middle list would get to me. I do like AiC, STP, Soundgarden and similar, but not most of that other stuff.

Ok, first person to truthfully acknowledge early Oingo Boingo as pure genius get my vote!

Understandable. I only listen to alternative rock for nostalgic purposes. They are good fun every now and then. But generally I have to be listening to something that has some soul and substance to it. Anyways, vote for who you want I don't care.
Belligerent because he likes Enslaved lots (I thought it was him anyway). I listen to far too much non metal/metal bands hardly anyone here knows to find someone really similar to me.