"Big" bands you've opened for that turned out to be penises

Peter Steele was one of the coolest motherfuckers you'd have ever met.

2000 - First time I met him, he was supremely the coolest dude ever. Got him to give me a basic idea for his bass tone. Some dude said "don't give out your secret!" and Pete said "It's no secret man...you play bass? Get an orange distortion pedal and a cheap chorus, that'll get you on your way".

2008 - I tried to get a picture with him, he said "make it fast". I tried to get someone to take it for me real quick...he said "5, 4, 3, too late" and walked off. I was kinda bitter about it. I heard later that he didn't want to be around anyone on that tour. Dunno how true that was.
As far as bands I've played with:
-Goatwhore (specifically Ben and secondarily Sammy) were some of the absolute coolest people I've ever hung out with. It was great to play a show with them in fuckin Butte, MT.
-Pathology were killer dudes. Played with them in a tiny ass place in NJ and nobody showed up except the opening bands...so we just hung out together.
-Warbeast, especially Bruce (of Rigor Mortis fame), were very supportive and respectful. They kicked ass.
-Macabre were really cool...I guess I didn't technically play the show, I was running merch...but I'm in the band that played with em now, so I'm counting it.
-Played a show in NYC with Demilitia, featuring Jen Arroyo (ex-Kittie). She was very friendly and supportive.
-Rob Arnold (Chimaira) always seemed like an ass in videos I've seen, but it was pretty cool when he gave me props after they just got done playing...I had played earlier that day.
-Matt DiFabio (Single Bullet Theory/ex-Pissing Razors) hooked me up in a time of need, so I'll always support anything he does.
-Bonded By Blood were very friendly. Their bassist, who isn't in the band anymore, offered to share his fries with me...totally random.
-Merciless Death were cool enough.
-The Headpins (yes, the classic rock band) were nice folks, let us hang in their motel after the show and bullshit.
-Nazareth were fun to hang with, even though I couldn't understand half a damn thing they were saying. I tech'd for a friend who opened for them. It was Dan McAfferty's 60'th birthday, and he still ripped.
-Brian Fair was nice enough, though I caught him when he was waaay stoned and I don't think he really wanted to talk much. He was cool about it though.
-Joe Buck (Assjack/Hank III) did a show with us as a 1-man psychobilly thing...he was fuckin cool as hell, went to breakfast after the show with the band (I had to go to work, so I missed out on that).

I know the topic was "who are dickheads" but I think it's worth more to talk about who weren't.
-The Sammus Theory...they were cool except for their singer was a bit cocky.
-Korn had some crazy shit that you weren't allowed to talk to them unless they talked to you first.
-Matt Zane (Society 1) is hard to be around at times. Edsel Dope as well. I worked a string of shows on a tour they did together. I got along with the rest of the band members pretty well, they were all down to earth except those two.
Sorry...not much of a shitlist.
2000 - First time I met him, he was supremely the coolest dude ever. Got him to give me a basic idea for his bass tone. Some dude said "don't give out your secret!" and Pete said "It's no secret man...you play bass? Get an orange distortion pedal and a cheap chorus, that'll get you on your way".

2008 - I tried to get a picture with him, he said "make it fast". I tried to get someone to take it for me real quick...he said "5, 4, 3, too late" and walked off. I was kinda bitter about it. I heard later that he didn't want to be around anyone on that tour. Dunno how true that was.

He hates being in pictures is why. Not sure why he was like that with pics but, he was.

Also its Willie Gee... but, close enough.
We Are The Ocean - All pricks

+1, dan was an absolute dick. was never a huge fan of their music but i said hi to him during load-in, was completely blanked and then he proceeded to tell the crowd they either 'moved or left the venue'.

Viatrophy - only chatted to Adam but he made a point of coming to find me after their set when i was in the crowd to give back my cheap-ass splitter they borrowed when i said it didn't matter and they could keep it

Young Guns - really nice guys, incredibly down the earth and such a good band too
No dickhead stories but the coolest fucking band around is the black dahlia murder.
I remember supporting them when they first came to Australia (2005 i think) most chilled out dudes ever. And they moshed when we played a cover of Prayer for Cleansing "Sonnet" haha. Them and Darkest Hour.
Even interstate bands here in Australia that tour can have big heads, theres been heaps of shows where the touring band sits out front in the van while all the support bands play, then they play and fuck off with socialising. That shit annoys me
I've been lucky and most of the bands I met have been cool with us.

Metal Church - David Wayne (RIP) was fucking cool. They gave us part of his dinner when he realized that promotors didn't put anything on our dressing room.
Gamma Ray - Cool guys, but stage manager is a fucking prick.
Axxis - Fucking nice.
Baron Rojo - Very cool all times we played with them.
Saratoga (very known spanish band) - Retarded

Not playing with them but did interviews for a magazine years ago and have good remember of Bruce Dickinson, Mercyful fate, Rhapsody, DIO, Nightwish, Blind Guardian, UDO...
Cephalic Carnage - Jammed with several times, Amazing group of dudes, fun as hell to party with! Just dont drive home after the show or your bass player will pass out, run off the road and blow out all the tires and you all will goto jail lol

Origin - Jammed with a few times as well. Some of the most down to earth guys you will jam with, Paul Ryan is a really nice guy.

Daath - Amazingly cool dudes.

Obituary - really cool dudes

Pretty much everyone i have played shows with have been really cool, but dont get me started on some of the "famous" people i have met...:heh:
I have yet to tour with douchebags. I've toured with some bands that I don't like their music but they've always still been cool to me. Even after I tell them that hahaha,.

I hope it's not a case of "If you can't find the douche on tour it means it's probably you." Hhahaha
I've been told I am a douche by a lot of people...:/
Most bands I've met are super cool.

Only one that really comes to mind was the singer in Oliver Dawson Saxon. Guy used to sing in Slash's Snake pit. I was doing sound and he kept looking for more vocals onstage even though there was no more to give- amps were into the red massively already. 3 songs in the amp for his wedges overheated and shut off, tripping the power. They got started again quickly but his wedges were gone. Afterwards his band were laughing and enjoyed themselves but he was an ass. I'm mates with some of the other guys that did sound on otheer dates on the tour and said it was similar, huge power going back at him and he just wasn't happy.
One band we played with... their guitarist got all fucking bitchy because I took longer than 2 minutes to get my shit off the stage during soundcheck. So I thought okay, better make this twat happy, I'll put it all behind my amp on the stage. Turns out his amp was behind my amp, and so he just started throwing my stuff off the stage. What a cunt. I get that change overs need to be quick, but shit... no need for that.

I really hate it when guitarists start to load all their shit onto the stage when you're packing up. ffs...