Craziest show you've attended.

Qsilver said:
Ehm.. I assume you're talking about Hypocrisy's gig at provinssi? I've been too drunk again.. i was watching the show in the middle, right behind the moshpit and i didn't notice any fights.
Bah, you were at provinssi and you didn't even tell us? :p Damn you!

Some psycho guy just ran into the middle of the crowd and started beating everyone up :s I was right there but i ran away pretty damn quickly, lol :p Then some guy walked past me with blood running all over his face, and some other bleeding guys after him :erk: I kept an eye on them from a distance, the guy was a fucking freak.
Dillinger Escape Plan was very intense when I saw them a few weeks ago. Don't know if it was 'crazy', I was standing quite far from the stage and I was totally absorbed by the performance.

An old Swedish punkrocker, Joakim Thåström, was an almost religious experience when I saw him 1999 in Helsingborg. I don't remember much from the show (I wasn't drunk) except that he was tipping the mick stand over all the time. He did also look very wild.
The shows i've been to haven't been particularly violent.
Oddly enough though, the most violent show for me was also the less crowded and calmest in general.
It was the Seelenschmerz festival last October in Athens. I was in the front row for more than 6 hours, patiently waiting for VNV Nation to come on stage (and meanwhile enjoying Diorama and Adrian Hates, and laughing at various other bands). Shortly after the much expected last set started, a ~2m tall guy came right behind me and started smashing me repeatedly against the fence. I was already quite excited from the show, so it didn't take much for me to lose my temper. I decided to pass my message to him through my elbow, thus plunging it in his stomach and pushing him back, at approximately the upteenth time he dropped himself on me. From what i learned afterwards, he gave an angry look to my companion, who was smart enough to give back an apologetic look and avoid the fight, but foolish enough to try to relocate me without explaining the situation to me. After a small quarell i accepted the relocation, got saved from the tall idiot, and watched the show from a worse spot, while receiving another idiot's elbow on the top of my head for the rest of the evening. :Spin:
Was anybody in the last Arch Enemy / Machine Head show in New york? I don't know if I'm remembering correctly but I think Rob Flynn said it was the craziest/best crowd he had ever seen. I know the pit was rough throughout the whole event, and it got plain dangerous after all that beer was spilled on the slippery floor ..but something tells me Rob Flynn likes to talk a lot of shit.
(I must say though, I do like the new stuff MH is doing now)

And if some of the newer members want to share their own answer to the original question, by all means..
afi last year in reggio emilia. my friend livio had to protect me from suicidal stage-divers the whole time

you know, this sentence sounds hilarious in the context of afi's recent aesthetical and lyrical developments. :lol:
I'll answer both. Rob Flynn is full of crap. The Blackening was so-so (for me), but if anybody kills Machine Head, it'll be him. He whines too much and strokes his e-penors a ton. Still, it may have been a good crowd.

Second, my favorite and craziest show I have ever been to is easily Immortal at B.B. King's this past July. The crowd was insane, and it was truly the only time I've ever felt suffocated just by how many human bodies were around me. My friend and I pushed all the way up to the front though, and he (not I, bleh) shook Abbath and whatever the fuck their bassist's name is now. The music was great, they had an excellent stage presence and it was a ton of fun. The bad part was after we got out we looked like we had been swimming, but it was other people's sweat. Eww...

Proof, and apologies to those people in front of me who are sort of in the shot, but they were tall and it was a shitty camera phone pic. (I am not in this picture):
A few years ago I saw Hatebreed play with Slayer, that had to be the craziest pit I have ever seen. It was a mosh pit within a circle pit. Good times indeed, while I was leaving I saw a girl with her face all bloody.
Devildriver had a circle pit through entire floor in 2006, but that wasn't the craziest show I've attended.

I got into a fight in MUSE crowd.

It was toight. Like a toiger. Not a pit or anything, only heads were involved.

Good times indeed, while I was leaving I saw a girl with her face all bloody.

She was having her period, maybe...
No, girls don't have their period in their face, plintus. Your fantasies are really strange. I bet she was a lesbian whose head spent some time between her girlfriend's legs while the girlfriend had her period.
Napalm Death a couple of years ago. I tried to survive in the mosh pit, but after 10 minutes, when I had almost passed out, I decided to retreat. There was no way those guys in the pit could have concentrated on the music for more than a split second, therefore they must actually have heard shit. I spent the rest of the show in the back enjoying the music.

Another crazy thing was watching Marco Pitruzzella (sp?) playing drums for Vital Remains from the side of the stage, also a couple of years ago (it was the Dechristianize tour). That man is one sick six-armed and eleven-footed bastard. I really like good drumming, but that was just absolutely insane.
Sick of it All in Cagliari, Sardinia (Italy) back in 1995. The venue was so small and packed, the crowd was crazy as hell and at the end we had no voice left and our clothes were literally wet. 5 minutes more and we couldnt breath anymore!
and then 2 hours driving back home.
my first "real" gig, a pic with Pete and one of the best moment in my life! :)
Yeah Dafne, thanks for the reminder! Sick Of It All, Brutal Assault 2006. The first hardcore band to attend what had to that point been a more or less brutal death, grind and avantgarde black metal fest. At one point the guys from SOIA said that the crowd should divide into death metalers on the left, blackers on the right and HC fans in the middle. People did that. Then they said that when the song starts the guys should create a giant circle pit. And omfg they did! My friend who saw it, and who weighs around 130 kgs, ran into the forming pit, was hit by the crowd, FLEW a couple of meters and was UNBOOTED. His shoes were just kicked off of his feet. Later on he said it was like a if a train had hit him. Fucking crazy.