Dark Tranquillity in Tunisia last night !!!!!!!!


Creepiness Och Terrorism
Jun 10, 2008
Psychedelic Planet
Well.. I have never been a great fan of DT, I loved few albums of theirs few years back, and that's all. plus, i have always hated Stanne's attitude on stage, i know he's so energetic, but i felt he's OVER energetic.
Last night, they played here, in Tunisia, the first MAJOR band that ever witnessed. DT didn't know what kind of audience was waiting for them.. until the gig started.
People were pushing each other until they pulled down all the barriers, Stanne was like WTF !!!!! he was speechless (not literally :p), I haven't seen any one who was NOT banging their head, and if they didn't, they were either making out, or filming/picturing,there was about 4000 people (dunno if that's average or a little comparing to their usual performances, also considering just one band played before them, for 15 min or sth) Mike kept saying things like "you are beyond expectations" " you guys are fucking amazing, we never knew Tunisia has such audience" "Again guys, you are awesome, sorry for never coming here before ! " "thank you for all of this treatment people !! you are amazing" "We will surely come back to you" "we HAVE to tell our friends back in Sweden about you guys" and so on..
It was the best show i have ever attenended and probably one of the best nights in my life (considering all that fun and laughter i had with friends), and the best thing was, that i knew WHY Stanne was acting that way, he made people go crazy with that "over energetic attitude" !!!
I just wanted to share these thoughts/feelings with the right people (real fans) !!
Haha, awesome :D

First Swedish metal band to play Africa? :) I'm sure they will be the first on the Moon ;)
I'm glad you had such a great time, hexwind! Mikael, without a doubt, has the best stage presence I've ever seen.

@ Plintus: First metal band to play in Africa? ;) But seriously, are there many concerts there? Because I never see any 'African' tours…. Yes, definitely first on the moon. Even more now that the flights there are almost a reality.

Dark Tranquillity enters outer-world (:D) records for being the first band to play in a place that is not Earth!!!
Thank you guys.
Yes, I don't know if it is the first Swedish band to play in Africa, but surely in Tunisia they are. We have a great audience quality, but, not a lot, especially here in Tunisia. DT is the first major band, and it has a quite good fanbase, even people who never been into them that much, like me, treated them with respect and very well.
I hope they will come back.
here is one video if you can see it.
It was a Great gig definitely :kickass::kickass: as a fan , it really was my lucky day , a dream come true ,i can't remember how many times i had th creeps lol i hope they 'll come back :)
Cool story bro.

I believe Entombed were the first, playing a number of gigs in South Africa.

Yeah, I think Opeth too or something.

Still, dark tranquillity will be the first metal band on the Moon, so it's all good :D
Nice story. It reminds me of the first time i saw DT, all excited and warm and fuzzy. :)
Congrats! :) 4000 people - that's awesome!

Can you share/find some photos?

here you go mister :






some videos taken from FB, sorry for the quality


Hope you enjoy them :)
Nice story and photos!
I know what it feels to see Dark Tranquillity for the first time at your place after years and years of waiting. Mikael said then "Sorry that it took 15 years for us to get there. But I guess it's about fucking time" :)
So we are the next after you. 3 days left now... oh my god! :yell:

hexwind, buddy, could you post the setlist?
Did the play anything new? Did they play anything special?
Here is what i remember, not on the original order
The Mundane And The Magic
Punish My heaven
Treason Wall
Therein (it was E.P.I.C)
Focus Shift
Final Resistance
The Lesser Faith
My negation
^ What's up with the 'Focus' and then 'Focus Shift' :p ?

Pity they didn't play any of the new songs, I guess they'll start doing that soon. For Fiction the new songs (I believe Terminus and Blind at Heart) were played about four months before Fiction was released. Maybe in the coming concerts :) .
ok, as i came here and i was scrolling down till i reach this quick message thingy and i saw the pictures of DT in my fucking lovely country (Tunisia) I got a damn shiver down my spine with fucking tears in my eyes !!! and the reason is THAT WE FUCKED AMAZED THIS BAND SO THEY WILL COME AGAIN IN MAY !!!!! TWO FUCKING GIGS IN LESS THAN 6 MONTHS !!!!! I FUCKING WANNA CRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!