Black Metal... why?


Jan 16, 2007
I can get into a lot of different kinds of music, but one genre I still don't *get* is black metal. Whose good on the black metal scene, and what makes 'em good?

(Don't drop the Agalloch bomb; IMO that's more folk metal than anything else)
Black metal may be beyond your conceived notion of how metal, or music, should be. In essence it is a movie without pictures; a celluloid phantasmagoria. Accordingly, the film jumps to another scene seeminigly unnconnected with the previous context, is suddenly inserted in between frames.
Every sound in bm is deleberate, and if you find that some parts of bm are strange; it isn't because the music in itself is strange, but because your conscience self is too ill equipped to comprehend the sounds produced by this genre.
I agree with the comment above about Enslaved. I haven't been able to get into much black metal either, but Enslaved deviates from just black metal.
Black metal may be beyond your conceived notion of how metal, or music, should be. In essence it is a movie without pictures; a celluloid phantasmagoria. Accordingly, the film jumps to another scene seeminigly unnconnected with the previous context, is suddenly inserted in between frames.
Every sound in bm is deleberate, and if you find that some parts of bm are strange; it isn't because the music in itself is strange, but because your conscience self is too ill equipped to comprehend the sounds produced by this genre.

or maybe it just sounds bad 90% of the time? just like every other genre. ben1 was right though... enslaved will convert just about anyone to bm. isa is magic.
Black metal may be beyond your conceived notion of how metal, or music, should be. In essence it is a movie without pictures; a celluloid phantasmagoria. Accordingly, the film jumps to another scene seeminigly unnconnected with the previous context, is suddenly inserted in between frames.
Every sound in bm is deleberate, and if you find that some parts of bm are strange; it isn't because the music in itself is strange, but because your conscience self is too ill equipped to comprehend the sounds produced by this genre.

That wasn't arrogant at all :lol:
Black metal may be beyond your conceived notion of how metal, or music, should be. In essence it is a movie without pictures; a celluloid phantasmagoria. Accordingly, the film jumps to another scene seeminigly unnconnected with the previous context, is suddenly inserted in between frames.
Every sound in bm is deleberate, and if you find that some parts of bm are strange; it isn't because the music in itself is strange, but because your conscience self is too ill equipped to comprehend the sounds produced by this genre.

rofl yep that's what I think every time I hear dark funeral
Actually, if you want something accessible, then bm is not for you! BM is imo an aquired taste, but not for everyone.

Try to give a listen to

Satyricon - The Shadowthrone
Dissection - The Somberlain
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the northern sky
Summoning - Stronghold
Black Metal combines the aesthetic of classical music, which is the most enlightened form of human expression, with the pure human aggression that extreme metal most suitably expresses. The product is...perfection.
Black metal iz a11 about teh balance between disharmonic misanthropic meanderings and enlighted descents into utter darkness which comprises of teh fascination with the demonic and occult and sings praises of teh satanic rites t0 break teh bonds of teh conformed masses

Black metal may be beyond your conceived notion of how metal, or music, should be. In essence it is a movie without pictures; a celluloid phantasmagoria. Accordingly, the film jumps to another scene seeminigly unnconnected with the previous context, is suddenly inserted in between frames.
Every sound in bm is deleberate, and if you find that some parts of bm are strange; it isn't because the music in itself is strange, but because your conscience self is too ill equipped to comprehend the sounds produced by this genre.

ulver - bergttat

this is a very accessible, solid black metal album with a little folk thrown in. it will be your first step towards this dark path...MUHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH

hope that sounded evil :tickled:

That's one good cd for sure. I love the first song. Generally I don't like Black Metal though, unless it's influenced by folk, death or thrash. There's too little guitar action and I don't really like the feeling most bands convey.