Black Sabbath: Why the awards?

DESERVE. Receiving an award doesn't make you no longer deserving of said award.
I repeat:


Your usual irrational inability to admit you're wrong aside, what was the actual last quality recording put out by Black Sabbath? You know, the one you played more than twice ?
They do deserve it but Carcassian is right they really havn't created anything memorable since 1983 so maybe it is time to pack it in.
Carcassian said:
I repeat:


Your usual irrational inability to admit you're wrong aside, what was the actual last quality recording put out by Black Sabbath? You know, the one you played more than twice ?

Forbidden. Even though the one before it, Dehumanizer, is substantially better. And no, they still deserve the award. And will always deserve the award.
No one appreciated there music before that time so they couldnt have recieved awards which is a shame because when they were top of there game they should have recieved awards not when the are just about to die.
Mitton said:
No one appreciated there music before that time so they couldnt have recieved awards which is a shame because when they were top of there game they should have recieved awards not when the are just about to die.

Plenty of people bought their albums, mate.
Carcassian said:
Plenty of people bought their albums, mate.
Plenty of people bought them but didnt really understand the significance these albums had on future metal, maybe that is why they are recieving awards now,
Mitton said:
Plenty of people bought them but didnt really understand the significance these albums had on future metal, maybe that is why they are recieving awards now,
Oh so noone in 1975 saw that Judas Priest et al were direct descendents of Black Sabbath am i right
I was just meaning the public have realised the impact Black Sabbath have made on Metal community and are rewarding them.
bodom_boy said:
i think sabbath should release somthing now. just 2 piss u off.

You can piss me off more by continuing to write in that ridiculous txt speak. LOLZER 1111!!!!!!!!!

Fucking Bodom boy, I ask you :rolleyes:

How the fuck can you confuse that with Dehumanizer? Hint: Dehumanizer had FUCKING DIO. You know, ronnie james dragons and rings look out there's danger i'm like 2 feet tall motherfucking dio?
Erik said:

How the fuck can you confuse that with Dehumanizer? Hint: Dehumanizer had FUCKING DIO. You know, ronnie james dragons and rings look out there's danger i'm like 2 feet tall motherfucking dio?

No, I confused it with Forbidden.