Blackwater Park concept/theme

Thanks for the link.
The Leper Affinity and Blackwater Park (the song) seem to be connected someway. I've always wondered what the Leper Affinity is about. Seems to me the narrator is death or nature talking to someone who's dead and buried. Does anyone else have any ideas?
If there's a theme, why don't they make a theme park called Blackwater Park? I bet Mikael has all kinds of ideas for crazy and "metal" attractions.
I have a question which might be a little more fit. Wasn't there a supposed concept that some fan guessed him/herself to? Like some kind of self-interpretion. I'm kinda curious to what it was, cause I don't really remember it. Think it was something with lepers or a plague or something.
moonlapse, please get BloodyScapel out of here. he has written nothing but nonsense in the forum as far as i have seen. i was determined not to shit on anyone on the forum, but this is just too much. he can be happy in the cob forum i guess. there are other things that annoy me here, but when someone who has written nothing useful whatsoever does this nonsense, it gets a little too much. i assume moonlapse will delete those posts, but i request that he take even further action.