Blasphemer leaves Mayhem

At Crimson Velvet: Forums are all about discussing differences of opinions and if you don't like someone's opinion and want to be an asshole about it then you should get the fuck out. Just because someone's knowledgeable about something doesn't give them the right to treat people like shit because they're special.
A differentiation of opinions in a thread is what makes a forum interesting.

Oh cry me a fucking river. I'm just saying what everyone's been thinking for a long time, I reckon.

I know this album was reprinted in a beautiful new LP edition a while back. Anyone know where this could be attained? I only have the CD and some old LP with a xeroxed cover someone gave me at oe thier gigs like 14 years ago (a bootleg, if I ever saw one), both of which are pretty unplayable at this point. :erk:
Yeah, i don't reckon it's the super limited edition with a giant book and all, as that's.. you know... super expensive. I just want a LP with decent sound. I got more rare black metal shit than i really need, so I ain't gonna start investing in more now.
Yeah, that's not the super mega fucking awesome version that I wish I had...Hell Mike has one, that asshole. BOB sucks ass though from what I hear.
Nope... i don't think so at all... can name half a dozen other bm vocalists that are... Since I bought DMDS i can count how many times i listened to the album on both hands all because i HATE attila's vocals...
Same here, except I don't have DMDS yet, I will get it sometime soon, if I see it in stores I'll buy it, I'm sure I'd listen to the album more than 10 times though, I listened to the songs Dem Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and Freezing Moon a lot, Funeral Fog too. And Funeral Fog has the worst vocal performance of those 3. Ihsahn sounds better than him on Emperor's cover of Funeral Fog.
There's a shop here in Oslo that has it if you're willing to shell out $150.

:zombie: The most I've ever paid for a musical item is about $50, and that's only due to the wretched dollar to pound exchange rate for the Pagan Altar - Mythical And Magical die hard LP.
It wasn't a suprise especially when Ordo Ad Chao was a let down. What more Blasphemer could do? IMO he didn't have "room" to evaluate in Mayhem. He did some experiments in GDoW and it sounded fucking bad. Chimera was a masterpiece in which he took a big part and after that I didn't expected something as much as awesome as Chimera.

As for the vocals I think that Maniac did a nice job in Mayhem, especially in WLA. In Chimera his vocals worked nicely with the misanthropic atmosphere.

Ofcourse it is only my opinion but if anyone thinks that Vargs vocals would do better than Attillas in DMDS they should have their fucking heads examined. Attilla perfectly fits to DMDS but he didn't do so awesome work in OAC.

Getting back to the guitarist issue I think that it will be a tough case for Mayhem to find a good substitution after Blasphemer. Hope they will find as solid guitarist as Blasphemer was.
Ihsahn sounds better than him on Emperor's cover of Funeral Fog.

I haven't heard this in particular, but all of his other growls that I've heard are really wimpy and annoying.

Attilla perfectly fits to DMDS but he didn't do so awesome work in OAC.

Yeah, because giving what is probably the most diverse and unsettling vocal performance on just about any black metal album means you did a bad job, I know.
First off, I haven't read any previous posts in this thread so forgive me if i bring up anything thats already been discussed.

Anyway, I read on Blabbermouth about Blasphemer leaving Mayhem that he is staying to do the remaining booked shows / tours. I don't know if this included the delayed Australian tour.

Ordo Ad Chao is really the only Mayhem album i like and appreciate. The atmosphere conjured is fucking great!
Attila is such a great and deranged vocalist, he really made leaps and bounds from 1994 to now with his vocal delivery.

Reading that Blasphemer writes all the material bar lyrics is pretty great for a guy who replaced Euronymous.
I really think Mayhem is over now, can't just replace the main songwriter.

Why didn't Necrobutcher play bass on Ordo Ad Chao?
In fact, if someone would make and release a competent documentary chronicling old school death metal (especially of the European sort) I would eat it up, as would many others I assume.

666 At Calling Death. It was on youtube at one point but it was terrible quality.
:zombie: The most I've ever paid for a musical item is about $50, and that's only due to the wretched dollar to pound exchange rate for the Pagan Altar - Mythical And Magical die hard LP.

Hahaha, I know, it's out-fucking-rageous! The store is Neseblod, though, and they are notorious for being fucking je-... ahem... big fans of Moses.
It wasn't a suprise especially when Ordo Ad Chao was a let down. What more Blasphemer could do? IMO he didn't have "room" to evaluate in Mayhem. He did some experiments in GDoW and it sounded fucking bad. Chimera was a masterpiece in which he took a big part and after that I didn't expected something as much as awesome as Chimera.

As for the vocals I think that Maniac did a nice job in Mayhem, especially in WLA. In Chimera his vocals worked nicely with the misanthropic atmosphere.

Ofcourse it is only my opinion but if anyone thinks that Vargs vocals would do better than Attillas in DMDS they should have their fucking heads examined. Attilla perfectly fits to DMDS but he didn't do so awesome work in OAC.

Getting back to the guitarist issue I think that it will be a tough case for Mayhem to find a good substitution after Blasphemer. Hope they will find as solid guitarist as Blasphemer was.

Agree on all points except when you said OaC was let down. I thought it fucking ruled.