Blood Alliance shirts

Steve, just a quez, re the shirts: Are these manufactured/distributed via the label, or do you get the all the revenue?

Unfortunately the label don't deem us "commercial" enough for them to be involved in our all productions costs are met by yours truly and all revenue is ploughed straight back into the band. Hence why it is somewhat difficult to fulfill everyones requests regarding sizes and different items of merchandise. It's all about most things I'm afraid.

That's another reason why shirts are only available via the PQ store or at shows......we can't produce enough product to be able to distribute more widely, as that leads to more cash tied up in product when there are so many other expenses we need to keep on top of.....whether that is recording costs, travel, fuel, tour buy ons etc etc
Just to clarify things: By 'biggest' I was NOT referring to your physical size, Nikki. I would never do that. In addition to that; being an avid fan of Power Quest can be nothing but positive in my book.