
You would not! Although if you did I'd go from :erk: to :cry: and then :waah: so I better buy that new Bloodbath when it's released over here. :loco:
the new bloodbath album is sure one of the best in my collection. I dont now the old ones but this one to my opinion is excellent!!!

does anyone know if they will go touring??? f.e. this summer on the festivals
Jaim said:
I really don't get it, so much praising of the this new album.. even heard people saying it was the album of the year which I think it even more hilarious. The 'joke' was better than the 'serious' stuff!! Peter's appearance in this band actually ruined the whole thing. :yuk: I was only 'able' to listen to NMF for about 6 times and I had heard enough, unfortunately. Truly one of the worst albums in years...
tell exaxtly whats rong with it
Jaim said:
I really don't get it, so much praising of the this new album.. even heard people saying it was the album of the year which I think it even more hilarious. The 'joke' was better than the 'serious' stuff!! Peter's appearance in this band actually ruined the whole thing. :yuk: I was only 'able' to listen to NMF for about 6 times and I had heard enough, unfortunately. Truly one of the worst albums in years...
and also you dont know much about music then do u just cause you obssed with opeth dosnt mean u need to slag of blood bath