
if I'm not wrong, you listed Slipknot as your favourite band
lmao! you know you love 'um too :)

but you really can't beat FF2 & FF3 (SNES).
FF3 was great, I never got to play much ff2... and my character got stuck in the map in ff3 and had no save points (ROM)... so I gave up :( It was on the big floating island thats like a maze.

I've had all the nintendos bar the Gamecube, but I've played the gamecube a lot, dont like it at all, ugly keyboard, and the games just seem annoying.... its probably a superior system in power than the PS2, Playstation never did have power on their side, but they had the games to keep it going.
C-Taylor said:
I've had all the nintendos bar the Gamecube, but I've played the gamecube a lot, dont like it at all, ugly keyboard, and the games just seem annoying....

I think the Gamecube pad fits very well in your hand and the buttons are great too (except the Z-button). Even the N64 pad was a lot better than the Playstation pad. I was very suprised when I heard that they are going to have the same piece of shit on PS2, too.

C-Taylor said:
its probably a superior system in power than the PS2, Playstation never did have power on their side, but they had the games to keep it going.

I always thought it was vice versa.. hehe.
Playstation pad fits best I think..

The superior system power wise was always nintendo, and now xbox... take a look
Nintendo have had more experiance on their side than any of them, I wont count Sega cause they go bust every console...
Nintendo had the 64. a 64 bit engine... while Playstation was using 32... which means really pixelled gaming, pretty ugly for todays standard... back then (about 5 years ago) the nintendo 64 was smooth as fuck, and goldeneye was and still is its best game, it clung for life to that game...

Playstation had the majority of good games, even voted by the public, where it matters with gaming ;)
Metal gear solid, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, The Tekken series.... Nintendo had Zelda, Mario (who is getting more old and boring per game, he's in a good 99.9% of nintendos games ;) ) and Goldeneye/Perfect Dark. Not much there. But they always had the power in the consoles for better graphics, smoother gameplay and such... too bad about the games, I liked that console untill I bought a playstation with Grand Theft Auto 1 and never touched it again :)
Ok, I beat the game today. For starters, there is too much bullshit. They didn't exactly think when they made the point of the game. Searching and killing leaders and shit.......boring! Also, too many fucking bad dudes coming at you at once. It's too repetitious as far as killing goes, and I love killing in games. The controls suck at first, but are good once you get used to them. Also, Rayne is fucking hot! This is probably the first game I have ever played that says 'Fuck' in it.

My review (Scale of 1 and 10):

Gameplay: 7
Music: 6
Gore: 10
Dialogue: 9
Enemies: 3
Hotness: 10

Overall rating: 7.5

I hope the second one will be better.