Bloodstock 04

last year the second stage headliners where due to finish 5 mins before the main headliners started.

The Stock pretty much runs the acts staggered so, typicaly, you can catch 90% of everything
Yes Bloodstock could be better with slightly more diversity but It's not like it's over-run with power metal. Music genres are way over-enthesised anyhow! I mean everyones ideas on the different genres seem to be different. Some people would say Masterplan are power metal but i'd class them more as Heavy Metal for a lot of their songs! I've even heard people put Nightwish into the "power metal" stereotype... I mean what the fuck? :-S
Bands like Blind Guardian, Iced Earth etc to me are also NOT power metal! Why can't everything just be classed as bloody METAL ???? BAH!
Anyways as I expected Threshold are playing Bloodstock (progressive metal for those who can't accept it just being METAL) so i've now purchased my ticket as I'd pay the full price just to see Threshold alone nevermind anyone else! Children of Bodom Headlining should be great....i'm not exactly a fan of their vocal style but musically they are amazing :-)
I think for the Saturday they should get either Annihilation or Destruction to play. Maybe Cathederal aswel! wooo!
I think Bloodstock overall is organised very well. I've seen a lot of festivals in the past where they had more than one stage but by the time you got through to the other stage you had missed most if not all of the band!!! For the two years i've been to Bloodstock I was able to see all the bands I wanted and still have time to see a few of the unsigned bands I hadn't heard of to check them out! I think the atmosphere is great and it's just a nice relaxing environment where you can freely walk around and easily go to watch any bands you want at any time.
The only thing I though wasn't organised very well was the alcohol...they ran out!!!!!!!
I mean i'm from Newcastle so they should have bought at least an extra 30+ pints worth for 1 and and a half days just for me alone! And i'm not even a heavy drinker. They best not run out of Lager this year!!!! grrrr hehe!
Now that is the best suggestion so far, Annihilator at Bloodstock...that would be fantastic....
i dream of course.... (there last two albums kicked serious Metal arse big time...Jeff is such a great musician, very underated...and always getting comparisons to Metallica...why!...last time they played the UK they were shit hot).
hell yeah man the fucking rule! Can not beat a good bit of full on thrash metal.compared to metallica??? holy shit thats such an insult! metallica attempted thrash metal with kill em all which i admit was a good album but other than that they didnt even do anymore thrash metal stuff....annihilation kick metallicas arse musically anyday!
They played at wacken last year didn't they? I know destruction are on the bill for this year so :)
Intense open the mainstage on the Saturday... we're a power metal band but more UK/US influenced rather than the European stuff... we're a bit darker...:loco: Sorry couldn't resist the plug.
Second Sight will be out by the end of March on Underground Symphony....
like the intense stuff that i dled off your sight, will almost certainly be trying to get the new album next month (what with that, power quest and BLAZE, it's a busy month)

just brought sonata arctica's new album, after dling some of the songs, but still not sure whether i'll be going to bs yet
Well there will be plenty headbanging from me I can assure you that!

In pubs/clubs i'm normally the first one on the dancefloor and everyone else eventually follows on :p

Well I wouldn't dwell on it too's not expensive festival considering the quality of the bands that play!
Children of Bodom despite the fact I don't like growly vocal style are a great band!
I'd pay the full price to see Threshold alone as there my favorite band and if you have not heard them I would deffnately check them out!
Edenbridge, Intense, Primal Fear, Sonata Arctica, Balance of Power and Fourway Kill and Infobia are fantasic bands. I have not heard Cruachan yet but i hear nothing but good things about them!
You would probably regret not going! Well I know I would!
Come to think of it I best order the bus in case I can't drive by then...or i'll be fucked!
im defo going to be going to bloodstock. when me friend told me children of bodom where playing that sold me but now i know ritual of hate and gutworm are playing am defo there. ritual of hate are the most coolest fuckers ever :worship: when they played the claredon i just got watsed with them all night they are totally cool. any one going to bloodstock i totally recommend any 1 to see them. :rock:
True Metal is the greatest genre of metal. Bloodstock clearly recognises this fact, and fills the bill with bands that we almighty warriors need to slay unholy creatures by. Anyone who disagrees that true metal is the ruler can fight a dragon. You WILL be burned in the eternal hellfire of the beast, whilst wielding a sword and/or an axe. If Area 54's highly anticipated third album (currently being written) took a power metal turn, I would buy seven hundred thousand copies, AND place them top of the bill at the 'Stock 04 (I'd put them there whatever the next album sounds like to be honest, but one tends to feel that it may be violently METALLLLLLLLLLL with a capital mullet :rock: ).

Let all who hath understanding reckon the number of True Metal, for it is a human number. Its number is Six hundred, three-score and six.