Bodom or Kalmah

HauknessX said:
did someone just say cob is turning punk...i hope your joking...just tell me you are joking. cob is so far from punk its rediculous. they rnt goin into any less of a metal direction either. you are a retard. every cob album is diferent..every song is diferent, what are you talking about same shit?

anywho..i prefer bodom, but kalmah is still very good, and i agree that each of cobs songs stand out more than kalmah songs.

Dude, Bodom is flooding over with punk influences, they are very clear on HCDR. And it's not just gibberish, they say so themselves as well. Watch who you call a retard.
I need to get some Kalmah, and soon...I've heard enough of them by now.
You know, I really didn't like Angels Don't Kill. That whole punk thing could be why. Though personally I have 2 albums - Follow the Reaper and Hatebreeder. So I would need to hear more newer stuff to decide if they're turning punk or not. I hope to god they aren't.
coolsnow7 said:
I need to get some Kalmah, and soon...I've heard enough of them by now.
You know, I really didn't like Angels Don't Kill. That whole punk thing could be why. Though personally I have 2 albums - Follow the Reaper and Hatebreeder. So I would need to hear more newer stuff to decide if they're turning punk or not. I hope to god they aren't.

Be open-minded :)

HCDR isn't that bad really.
The true greatness of this argument to me is which band sounds better stoned. Bodom seriously sounds exponentially better than kalmah while high as a kite and i find myself thinking "jesus christ how does this mother fucker (alexi that is) come up with this shit". Kalmah is great, fast and heavier, but alexi plays way cleaner and kalmah constantly uses that 7-0-7-0-8-0-8. They've beaten that open note between the fretted notes into the ground. (except for evil in you, always a great song)