Breach fucking rules.


UTF-8 professional
Dec 9, 2002
"Venom" and "Kollapse" on heavy rotation. Haven't heard "It's me God".

I understand why The Ocean manlove them and I can also hear the influence they had on them.

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Got into them back in early 1998, when I bought Burning Heart Records' (home of Sweden's very best punk and hardcore acts, such as Refused, Millencolin etc :D ) "Cheap Shots Vol III" sampler. The song "Replenish The Empty" (from "It's Me God") kicked my tits in, it was the heaviest shit I'd ever heard. I then acquired some VHS samplers from the same record label, and got my teeth kicked in by the "Almighty Generation" ("Friction"), "Replenish The Empty" ("It's Me God") and "Curfew" ("Friction") videos.

They're basically a very metallic hardcore-ish act, not to be compared with homocore such as Isis, metalcore and shitty hardcore crossover acts. "Curfew", their first album, is probably their most hardcore-ish release, but still with a very metallic and heavy edge. Probably my favourite release of theirs. They became less hardcore with every release, but they kept writing killer shit. In fact, I think I'm going to run upstairs to the other computer and upload some samples! Stay tuned!

Almighty Generation ("Friction", 1995)
Curfew ("Friction", 1995)
Replenish The Empty (from "It's Me God", 1997)
Diablo (Instrumental) ("Venom", 1999)

Kollapse = my favorite album of 2001 and much more . The progression of the band is incredible. They got better with each album.. and I still love their first three! They're IMO the only band that lived while Neurosis was still HEAVY and that reached such a level of excellence if one can relate them.

On Kollapse, the alternance between crushing, hardcore assaults and emotionnal, sometimes wandering build-ups works like no other. Excellent introduction (1st sample) followed by two 'classic' and hardcore rocking tracks that already bear a mark of maladive frustration and unbridled 'creative' catharsis (2nd sample) . What is particularly interesting is that the most agressive, raging songs sound like those on their previous efforts on LSD, thus prefiguring a sort of 'tragic' ending (3rd extract; first reaction = wtf?) . The more the album advances the more you realize that you reach an ineluctable end, between hope and resignation (4th sample ; closer of the album/band's career). It's the end of an era.

It's the kind of album you have to live with, alone, trying to relate it to your own living and frustrations more than any other

By the way, you know how much I'm a fan of The Ocean Collective
(no? now yes. Fluxion is my favorite metal album of the 00's) . Although it's completly different in its impact and actual sonority I will say this :

Percussions on the Human Stain = Opening of Big Strong Boss on 'Kollapse'
Some Riff in Isla de la Luna = Black Sabbath on 'Venom'
Opening of Killing the Flies = beginning section after the intro in Detonation on 'It's me god'

Of course there's nothing to be ashamed of (especially when Cult of Luna's first two are Breach + Neurosis), on the contrary but Breach literally traumatized The Ocean's mainman, Robin Staps.. and you can actually see it. It's extremly subtle and intelligent though.

Breach = unknown pionners that trace the alley for that classic post-hardcore school. Except that nobody or few, did better.

That's the definition of genius in art.

Samples :

As I speak I've just received my copy of 'It's me God' :)
Dev said:
As I speak I've just received my copy of 'It's me God' :)

Killer record. Crank up the volume and listen to "Replenish The Empty". I was 12 when I heard it the first time, and it still remains one of my favourite tracks 8 years after :kickass:
If I'm not mistaken Nate has not hear any of their record ? (does.not.compute in my head) .Now there's a chance to repair that if that is the case.