brian hood does mississippi metal


No Care Ever this Day/Mix 1/song 1.mp3

comments on the mix please. I know the band is a bit generic(espeically at the lead towards the end), but they are all young mississippi kids.

My main concern is vocals. Sometimes they sound too loud to me, and sometimes too low in the mix. Maybe that means they are the right level ¯\(°_o)/¯? haha

Edit: After comparing to some pro mixes, i realized this mix is considerably darker than it should be, so i took steps to brighten it up a bit. this Day/Mix 2/song 1.2.mp3
whats the chain for the vocals so far ?

everything else seems to sound fine my end. Even though i am admittedly listening through my MBP speakers
It seems both you and Joey have a hard time with the esses with your AT condensers... I have a Kel HM7U that I use for most vocal work and I have never had to de-ess anything, mic is cheap as dirt too, you should check it out man!
I agree that vocals aren't sitting right. I like the guitars and the mix over-all though. Singer reminds me of Dez A LOT. So Devil-Driver esque.
brian it makes a little piece of inside me die when i hear your mixes, knowing that it's just a pod on guitars.

i don't know how you manage it really.. perhaps it's just because it's not my tone, but in any case, it sounds really good, as always.

as for the vocals.. i can see what you mean about them being a bit too loud/quiet in places.. a part of me says it's just his voice that is difficult to hear.. i'm not sure. they sound really good as they are though, it's not like bands like this really want you to hear the vocals.. hahaha.

well good man.

Sounds Ace dude!!

I would say desser should fix that vocal problem, which is not that bad and it did not bug me to much.

Bass on this sounds so good, I'm a little jealous. :)
Sounds Ace dude!!

I would say desser should fix that vocal problem, which is not that bad and it did not bug me to much.

Bass on this sounds so good, I'm a little jealous. :)

Thanks dude! I was pretty stoked on this mix until i heard the mix Joey posted today. Screw that guy :cry:haha
i cant wait until i start getting actual good bands to record instead of having to make teenagers in local bands sound good(although im sure joey STILL has to deal with alot of this, judging by the bands that are getting signed these days)
Hey Brian!

Sounds huge.

What limiter do you use for mastering?

Or do you have a special trick to get those loud mixes without distortion?
