Buckethead - Electric Tears

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Electric Tears
2002 Meta Records
by Nathan Pearce

While Buckethead has one of the most recognizable faces (if you call a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken on his head and a Mike Meyers mask a face), his music covers such a broad range its hard to even tell its the same musician from album to album. However, Buckethead manages to create the most sincere and emotional music, no matter what style he decides to play on any given day.

Like the absolute masterpiece-of-majestic-beauty-and-sorrow that is known as ‘Colma’, ‘Electric Tears’ sees Buckethead discarding crazy experimental ideas for more traditional straight-forward delicate passages through his more introspective side. ‘Electric Tears’ is different form ‘Colma’ in one major way; there are no drums, percussion, or other means of a rhythm section. I’ll admit I was a little skeptical of this at first, but after one listen, all doubts were put to rest. ‘Electric Tears’ picks up where ‘Colma’ left off and moves the listener through deeper and even more emotional waves of beauty and sorrow.

For some reason Buckethead can bring out the emotion in a song with the simplest of chord progressions or the most subtle of acoustic guitar interludes. Is it me, or has Buckethead found a way to make the listener cry from both sorrow and from the realization of the magnificence of the simple things in life; a sunset on a brisk autumn evening; my wife’s quiet breathing in the middle of the night; the smell of . . . oh boy, this is getting out of control. *Note to self. Don’t write a review while listening to this album.*

Seriously, though. ‘Electric Tears’ is probably the most mesmerizing album I’ve heard in some time, and I’ve listened to my fair share of amazing jazz instrumentals (some of Pat Metheny’s more personal pieces come to mind). This album truly has to be heard to be believed. Its simply beautifully crafted emotional music.

