Burden video?

I got nothing either, might be it's not supported by Mac OS. Can anyone save it and upload it to rapidshare/youtube/whatever?
I just watched it !!
very good video, Per really knows how to do his work :kickass:
all the guys did a great presentation too.
Ta da!

Here it is:


I don't know how to embed the vid so if someone can do it I'd truly appreciate it.

EDIT: Oh, it was automatically embedded, nevermind :p
This is the VIDEO that opeth deserves!!!..really well done..and fits with opeth music and concept.

Congratulations guys!!!
I actually instantly thought that this was opeths best video this far and it wasnt bad either
Nice video, way better than previous ones. I don't really get the guy dressed like Columbus though and the chick twirling around, but it was nicely done and great to see the band.
αlphaWhore;7768555 said:
I just saw it... Great video, really fits with the song's mood.

The song's not that axed, only the piano intro was cut and it ends with fade out, other than that it's untouched.

Besides they all look great in the vid, Per's beard rocks :rofl:

Is that guy really Per??? he really doesn't look like himself...

I wondered who was the new keyboard guy...
god what a great video, i didn't think i could love per/that solo more than i already do

any news on the vynil release yet? im pretty excited about that, i hope its limited
wow, that was really something. the only complaints would be that it was shortened too much (the outro fade happened way too fast) and that it should have filmed all the solos properly, although I can live with that :p

I agree, but it was certainly a decent enough film. Burden isn't really a very long song either. I don't see the need to cut it up like that.