Burden video?

So I'm alone in my opinion of, "Meh"?

Suppose Burden is one of my least fav Opeth tracks though. (Keyboard solo is still epic regardless.)
shit video, pretty much the same as PH but with a different side-story. the band shots were cool though.
Thanks for posting, it was interesting. I laughed quite a few times, especially when he said he thought the Roundhouse tapes show was in 2005 lol... AND the funny "byebye" he did to the camera at the end hahaha nice
....why couldn't they just have stayed with the band. Better than the previous clips, but if they had stayed with band it had a lot of potential. Per is such a badass.
I think they should make a video for "Heir Apparent" or "Hessian Peel" (I also love Burden too much).. but however always Katatonia and Opeth clips are sucks! I don't know why it is like that but I hate that. Video clips must equal with album production and music style. Ok, they don't need affected fans or like that but it's so important process and video clip is a worthy part of it.
Mikael's leather jacket and Mendez's hair (don't ask me why) made the video seem even more 80's for me. Per is awesome and his keyboard solo will always be sweet. His hair reminds me of a spiritual beggar...:heh:. I though the chick in the dress was the downfall of the video. Without her the video would have been better.
wtf... do you think that the edit of the song is really bad? opeth are not made for videos and stuff like that... but was fun to see per covered by beard :D
Not great, but definately BETTER than PH. Yeah, the song's edit is quite crappy. I don't get it, metallica can make a video 10 minutes long with its boring repetitive shit, while Opeth can't make a 7 mins video that has some sort of variation at least.

Band shots are cool, Mike looks cool, and Per does too.