
His vocals are also suitable to his music and atmosphere...
He is screaming from inner pain.... full of hate, full of misanthropy...
I love all the albums just the way they are......

F V. V.
Originally posted by npearce
What does everybody think or Varg's vocals? A lot of people absolutely hate them. I think they are VERY, VERY fitting. In fact, they make up at least 50% of the atmosphere of the music. Very tortured.
Those tortured vocals are perfect for the music.
Which album has the best cover art? IMO "Hvis. . ." wins. That cover is VERY fitting to the atmosphere of the music. I also like the are on the inner sleeve. Album cover art can actually make an album better or worse in some cases.
Well, I personally can't stand Burzum, and I really tried. But I will agree with npearce. His cover art was magnificent. Hvis... had an awesome cover. I thought the debut had a great cover also.
Originally posted by npearce
Which album has the best cover art? IMO "Hvis. . ." wins. That cover is VERY fitting to the atmosphere of the music. I also like the are on the inner sleeve. Album cover art can actually make an album better or worse in some cases.

All painted Burzum covers are quite good and well fitting to the music.Exept Daudi Bladers.This cover simply sucks,for all those fair,blue eyed guys and the figure with the crooced crosses on this cloak look very silly...

But what do you all think about Hlidskjalf and Daudi Balders?For me it is still Burzum,and i do not care for what resons he uses the guitar no loger.I know many poeple who like songs like "Tomhet","Han som reiste" or "Rundgang um die transzentrale Säule der Singularität" and hate the new Keyboard stuff.I really can't understand that...for Varg creates exactliy the same "feeling" and the same athmosphere,but only with his keyboard.

And Varg is a fool too.

Well i do not think so.He may stand for sick nazi ideas,church burning,murder or whatever you want-but he isn't a fool.Hes a very intelligent person,no doubt.
Originally posted by phyre

I adore those, but the songs on Daudi Baldrs are not anywhere as long and have no atmosphere at all. I cringe at those synth sounds. "Tomhet" or "Rundgang..." might not be great compositional triumphs, but they really do succeed in creating an atmosphere. When using $100 synths, all that atmosphere simply disappears.
Hliðskjálf is slightly better in terms of sound quality, but the problem of short songs that don't really have time to develop atmosphere before ending is still there.

IMO, of course.
Well,i agree with you in the point that Daudi Balders has a really bad sound.But its ok to me...it is still better than the sound of Uruk Hai if you know them (i meen not Vargs old band...) or similar bands.
And Tomhet or Rundgang are great compositiones,wohtout a doubt...but the peaces on Hlidskjalf have the same "monotony"...and to say that a song like " Der Tod Wuotans" does not creat a "great" athmosphere is simply false...The music is alway a question of "taste"...but you must admit that it is still Burzum...and its basicly the same music.
Anyone who likes Buzum would know if a peace of music is wirtten by Varg Vikeners or not.His style to wirte got once into my brain...and it surly won't got out again.-
Exspecially what you say about 100 $ synthis is not okay so.I do not fuckin care about what insturment Varg uses.I do care about the feelings that this music gives me....
Originally posted by Zyklon
My fave Burzum album cover is Hlidskjalf.. and Det Som Engang Var has also great cover..

he uses theodor kittelsen marvellous peaceful images for his violent and national bullshit pride!

he have to be ashamed of it:(

on the other hand otyg use very well these images.(kind of peaceful naturalism; more close to kittelsen ideas i think):D

and again burzum ambient is really a clone of klaus schulze one.

so varg:Puke: i am disgusted!
Originally posted by phyre
Sure, I don't REALLY care what kind of equipment he uses, but the keyboards on Daudi Baldrs sound so cheap that they seriously destroy any atmosphere the song might have had with better sounds. As you said, what matters is the feelings the music gives you, but with those sounds at least I don't feel anything at all while listening to it, except perhaps an overwhelming will to hit the "stop" button :p


i see that you have put that link to cd protected!

terrible i don't know that cd companies are too evil!!

maybe 'cause i have never buy a celine dion shitcd!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I thought that the CD protection thingie was removed since it was in some way illegal? I can't remember the details right now because I'm slightly intoxicated. I'll get back to you with this one though.
i have visited the burzum site...

and i find it disappointing

this site have only political writings and interwievs.

the multimedia section have sound files that don't function...

i have no comment.
