Bush & Caggino will be back

what´s the difference between "being in the family"/yet not being able to sing for the band anymore-which he probably doesn´t even want to, that´s what I have heard-and quitting the band?
Ive just seen them at download 05 and at the end of the set joey said "see you again next year"-i hope to god he was windin us up -he looked like alice coopers stunt double and sounded shite.the show would have been so much better with mr Bush :erk:
I remember after seeing metallica kick ass at donington last year i said to anyone that would listen: 'how fukin cool would it be to see anthrax here? they'd tear the place a new asshole!'
So when i heard the rumour about them playing i was pumped for it!.....Until I saw who was singing. It upset me so much i didnt even go. :erk: Bushthrax would of OWNED donington, but so far all ive heard is that they sucked major balls. Such an awesome oppertunity........ wasted.:yell:
We've heard Scott & Chuck say that Bush is still in the family, but it just isn't good enough for me. All of John's fans (my self included) want some sort of statement from him. I want to know what he is doing, what he thinks about all of this & what the future holds for him and Anthrax.
vomit said:
And you know this because, you are the bands' manager?

No but at the barras on the WHCFYA tour bush led the chat off fuck donington because the promtors said they wherent a viable band hence couldnt get on the bill
Quick thought about the lack of a statement from the Bush/Caggiano camps. Could it be that they are tied into a contract that stops them from making an official statement. Could this be why we havent heard from them. Another thought, all these threads talk about John being out of the band and how sad it is, but remember Caggiano is in the same situation. Must kinda hurt him, if he looks on this site, cause it looks as if the the fans are overlooking him. Comments ?
Ragman_kd said:
Quick thought about the lack of a statement from the Bush/Caggiano camps. Could it be that they are tied into a contract that stops them from making an official statement. Could this be why we havent heard from them.

you hit the fucking nail on the fucking head.
Ragman_kd said:
Quick thought about the lack of a statement from the Bush/Caggiano camps. Could it be that they are tied into a contract that stops them from making an official statement. Could this be why we havent heard from them. Another thought, all these threads talk about John being out of the band and how sad it is, but remember Caggiano is in the same situation. Must kinda hurt him, if he looks on this site, cause it looks as if the the fans are overlooking him. Comments ?
I agree! & it is a shame for Rob as well.
Robs a fucking awesome guitar player, and he knows it! I even have my damn hair cut like his!(although i go shiny bald at the sides rather than just trimming it.)
walking dead666's signature says everything all WCFYAthrax lovers need to say!
PS have any of you guys heard robs old band Boiler Room? i found a song on an old metal hammer cd. pretty damn cool, just need to find the album now!
A good friend of mine was at Download and said Joey was amazing, My cousin was also there and said Joey blew chunks! I would have went if it was Bush (or closer to Scotland) Joey doesn't interest me enought o shell out that amount of cash anymore!
too right! everyone i know said they sucked harder than a hoover.it annoys me that bushthrax got on all the euro festivalsbut not UK ones! the footage on MOMD with corey is so cool.
Jockthrax said:
A good friend of mine was at Download and said Joey was amazing, My cousin was also there and said Joey blew chunks! I would have went if it was Bush (or closer to Scotland) Joey doesn't interest me enought o shell out that amount of cash anymore!

Joey wasn't bad at all, if anyone let the side down it was Charlie for me, his drumming was totally uninspiring and it felt like he was just looking forward to getting to the end. :erk:
They are not making a statement because the don't know the future. They want all of us to keep hanging on just like we are. Look now all the Joey fans are back and all the John fans are waiting in the wings. If they told us Bush was out then they'd loose 1/2 of the fans.
ANTHRAX gains more positive reviews every date they play on the reunion tour, you can bash em all you like but the pro press is thinking differently and so do almost all people I spoke that actually were at the shows...this seems to be the only place where there's still so many bashers...guess they all assemble here...
spacebeer said:
ANTHRAX gains more positive reviews every date they play on the reunion tour, you can bash em all you like but the pro press is thinking differently and so do almost all people I spoke that actually were at the shows...this seems to be the only place where there's still so many bashers...guess they all assemble here...

I have to disagree with you spacebeer. This is the only place I know where people like Joey. I don't have one bro or personally know one person that is happy with this, or liked the reunion show... And yes, my bros and I all saw Anthrax w/Joey back in the 80's (we're all in our 30s). He sucked then and still does, and who cares what the press says. Just my 2 cents.