I agree with ObscureInfinity that metalcore is absolutely rife with really shitty photoshop art. Even good metalcore. But shitty art wouldn't stop me from supporting a band.
Yea, obviously it shouldn't affect your opinion, but Andy is too zealous a fan of the genre and probably doesn't understand why you don't support the bands you like by buying their merchandise.
Ha, but why am I speaking for him? Nevermind.
If you love downloads and don't care for cds, that's fine by me.
I, on the other hand, like to smell my music
Have you been to the FYE at the McKinley Mall? At least it has a separate metal section.
I never listen to anything I don't own anymore, aside from sampling on Myspace prior to buying an album.
I have Immolations first 5. And it is pretty hard to find Dawn of Possession.