Calm Down Guys!


A God in my own mind
Nov 15, 2001
Atlanta and Chicago
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Serious Towelie comes out now... Lay off Jayde guys... she hasn't done anything wrong! She's contributed more to this board than half of you... and if you insult her for trying to make a good post then you don't belong on this board where at least IIIIII know I feel welcome no matter what I post. That's the reason why this board is better and more fun than any other... because people can post whatever they have on their mind and people will be nice and cordial. What happened to this?? I only joined two months ago, but I know this hasn't changed already!!
OH DEAR GOD!! Ok I wasn't bothered until now!
That is such bullshit...
Did anyone notice that I had like 10 people bitching at me last night? I mean that dosn't bother me, but now you guys are all putting up for Jayde? I just think that is kind of ignorant. You are fucking ignorant as hell man. Go post some stupid fucking thread and flirt with Jayde or something
SentencedtoBurn... I don't know WHY you're obsessed that I'm trying to get on Jayde... but actually it's because people like you are getting on her for the most fucked up reasons... and I don't know what the fuck you have against me... forgive me for having friendship with people on the board... I'll try to stop... yes that was sarcasm
Morningrise-you make me sound like The Board's Official Whore or something. If it makes you feel any better (which I doubt) you are one of the people I was apologizing to in my apology thread.
Ok first of all... Claire's Horror... you haven't been on this board long enough to even know what the fuck we talk about... so don't even fucking try to argue with me... Morningrise... this has nothing to do with you... but I'm sorry... if you have a problem with Jayde... there's nothing... you attacked her for a fun thread... which was unfounded and ridiculous... name one fuckign thing she's done that's bad on this board... she contributes better than you as far as I'm concerned... all you do is critisize her for trying to make though out threads
Originally posted by Towelie
SentencedtoBurn... I don't know WHY you're obsessed that I'm trying to get on Jayde... but actually it's because people like you are getting on her for the most fucked up reasons... and I don't know what the fuck you have against me... forgive me for having friendship with people on the board... I'll try to stop... yes that was sarcasm

dude im joking around. she was on me too. for fucks sake. I think everyone is just trying to have a good time. the board gets a little bit heated and everyone starts freaking out and running to their moms. i agree this is getting out of hand, but i think its all in good fun. people shouldnt take this so seriously.
No they shouldn't but unfortunatley people are (I'm not... but people should be mindful of OTHER people's feeligns)... and I know you were just joking... and I'm not pissed at you... I'm just pissed at others who think it's fun to shit on other people for trying to have a good time on a forum... god knows that's what a forum is for!
How did I make you sound like a whore? I am angry at Towelie, not you.
As a matter of fact, I appreciate that you were apologizing to me, so thank you.

To Towelie:
Yes contributions such as yours are definately much need Towelie, I definately love your wonderful contribution. (sarcasm once again) What right do you have to say that I don't have any part in this? I would say I probably play one of the larger roles in this. But then again your too busy being ignorant to notice that!
No they shouldn't but unfortunatley people are (I'm not... but people should be mindful of OTHER people's feeligns)... and I know you were just joking... and I'm not pissed at you... I'm just pissed at others who think it's fun to shit on other people for trying to have a good time on a forum... god knows that's what a forum is for!

Once again you have no idea what you are talking about. Read through the posts and you will see that Sentenced to Burn was "putting plenty of shit" on Jayde.
Morningrise... first of all you had no right to be pissed off at me... in no way did I EVER mention your name at ALL.. in fact I wasn't even TALKING about you... but you decided to remind me that my post is idiodic... maybe this is the reason why I singled you out?? And no... you don't have anything to contribute if all you say is that Jayde puts out stupid and pointless posts when she's just trying to find answers.