Canadian Metal Plugin suite released here!!!


May 11, 2009

The Canadian Metal Release has been UPDATED...
Many fixes and update, get it here...

Here's the download link
So, Preampus and Scar are GREAT. I've always been a fan of DIG and BIG, but they've never been what my music has called for. I dialed in some VERY usable tones in moments using these. I'm not sure I'm using Scar right, though. With a Tubescreamer, Nebula and Scar, it sounds just as usable as any other ampsim, so I'm chuggin' with it! Thee was no Redshift Overdrive in the original download, though. I really wanted to try it. Was it coming out with this stuff?

SoloC's fantastic now. Great before, incredible now. I tried the Fullstack version for a moment, but the head + Nebula really does it for me.

Guys, this release is huge. Take a step back and look at the palette we have now. DIG/BIG, Preampus Distortus, Scar, SoloC, 8505, 7170, Juicy77, Wagner 1 and 2, Cortex.. are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?

Edit: Looks like the Redshift Overdrive WAS included, but it isn't showing up for me in the CanadianMetal menu in Cubase 4 Studio. I'll figger it out!
The SoloC fullstack doesn't work in Sonar 8, it just crashes it. The other 2 SoloC's work fine, so I just have to load the impulses separately. Haven't tried the Acme plugins cos I don't know what they do yet ;p
I can't get Redshift to work, but I don't care because Scar is the BITCH. :kickass:

"Scar Allows you to select the frequencies you want to distort. Each of the four frequencies are sent to one of 4 12ax7 Tubes. Each tube has an adustable bias from
0.145 to 1. with 1 being perfect adjustment. So you can only underbias these tubes in this version of Scar, future versions will have both under bias and over bias positions. The signal is sent individually, meaning that it does not go from one tube, to the next, to the next...It simply goes to the one tube then to the output. So that means that each frequency is separately distorted."

YES :kickass:
Paladin...Since Canadian Bacon...Which may I say does not Exist...I never heard of Canadian Bacon till I went to the USA!

aetrunus...Man I really want you to checkout the OD version of RedShift, when things calm down in a bit I'd like to figure out why it does not work for you..
thank you guys for doing this. I tried the head and so far it is promising. I think it has a little bit more low end than 1.12 version.
LOL Paladin! Actually we do have a different kind of bacon here called Back bacon that is not ham and is delicious, but we don't put it on Pizza..