Canadian Metal Plugin suite released here!!!

great, thanks you very much for that, i will check it out at the weekend

and i love poutine!!!!! cant wait until i get the next time to quebec!!!!
(but its next year in may :(( )
Thanks man! If you keep this up you'll end up a bigger legends than the guy from the "how do mix drums" thread.
:worship: Thank you guys! donating for sure.

And zero i love you avatar :headbang:


P.S. im totally in love with the preampus distortus
this amp sim is awesome:kickass::headbang:
Hey man where'd you get the pic of my wife! :)

haha Well thanks guys, and just a note to you all, ABG will be releasing all week...W have a 4 tube version of Preampus coming Monday...More of a crunch amp...Now having said that...I have a damn dentist appt tomorrow and I hope I can work. If not It will be out this week for sure...It is basically done now..

Thanks guys, glad you like the Suite.
Regarding the problem with SoloC FullStack with Sonar, I'll do my best to found what's wrong. I'm may need some help from guya 'cause I don't have Sonar. I'll be back to you on that.

this may be a stupid question but is this strictly for PC? cuz I would like to throw it on the computer at the studio.
Just tried the Preampus Distortus a little bit and I like it already! It's quite different from the other plugins, or maybe it's just me, but I feel this can come in really really handy for a few different tones. Very good job on this one ABG!

SoloC is even more kickass than it used to be, thumbs fuckin' up for that!

THE ONLY thing I have to bitch and whine about is that SoloC is split up in different parts, except the cabs themselves. I would REALLY LOVE to be able to use only the cabs from SoloC in case I wanted to use them with another amp sim, or just for an entirely different purpose. Any chance you can release the cab section separately too LePou? :) There is the SoloC Preamp, SoloC Head and SoloC Fullstack... the only missing thing is SoloC Cabinets :) I used to think Revalver's IR loader was pretty good but if you release SoloC's Cabinet loaders LePou... Revalver can go fuck itself. PERIOD. :)
THE ONLY thing I have to bitch and whine about is that SoloC is split up in different parts, except the cabs themselves. I would REALLY LOVE to be able to use only the cabs from SoloC in case I wanted to use them with another amp sim, or just for an entirely different purpose. Any chance you can release the cab section separately too LePou? :) There is the SoloC Preamp, SoloC Head and SoloC Fullstack... the only missing thing is SoloC Cabinets :) I used to think Revalver's IR loader was pretty good but if you release SoloC's Cabinet loaders LePou... Revalver can go fuck itself. PERIOD. :)

he he he !!! It may go out for beta testing this week actually.
Thanks Man, Glad you like it (or them).

If you need help with testing Sonar (I run Sonar 8) out, I might be able to help - I have not tested it yet, but I will try it out this evening.