Candy Thread

Dec 27, 2004
Last night me and my friends only had a few brews, but I went by the local quickee mart and got a candy FEAST, and hours of fun ensued discussing various candies and there virtues and downfalls, etc etc, and remembering stuff to get for the next big candy haul. I highly recomend this activitiy.

Discuss any candy related stuff here =) heh.
the king size theatre sized boxes of dots are my weakness. i had a box for breakfast. that's over 9 ounces of gumdrops. 900 calories, 204 grams of sugar. :kickass:

then a splitting headache ensues :ill:
and if i let my pee sit, then the next day its full of sugar crystals! ...
When I was 16 I got drunk, ate a whole box of cherry cordials, then horked all over my friend's lawn. To this day whenever someone mentions cherry cordials all my friends do a Butt-head laugh and point at me. :Spin:

Anywho, I love candy. Chocolate rules. Stuff like Snickers, Mounds, Twix, Whatchmafuckits, etc. all that shit is goooooooood. But I don't eat whole a lot of it. I much prefer my mom'z'z baking, she makes the best shit in the world and should've gone into business long ago.
ew, dots taste like wax. hard, flavorless wax. twix are teh winnar.
One Inch Man said:
I much prefer my mom'z'z baking, she makes the best shit in the world and should've gone into business long ago.

baking rules. home made cakes and cookies >>> candy
I don't eat much candy. I prefer cookies and Aunt Debbie's shit.

My favorite candy is definitely Milk Duds, but they give me the runs, so I rarely, if ever, eat them anymore.
this thread just made me remember how i used to drink soda out of my baby bottle when i was a baby. it was awesome. i wouldn't give soda to a one year old...but oh well. it was awesome. carbonation through a nipple= :kickass:
yeah...i usually don't consume so sugar for the same reason as you, erik.
just goin' through a phase. a dastardly one :ill: