Cannibal Holocaust


Handful of Nothing
Aug 27, 2001
Ok.,.,i dont know if i already made this thread or someone else did but i want ur opinions on this movie.,.,.personally i thought the movie didnt live up to all the hype..,.,i mean they really did kill those animals, but thats about it.,.,.and there is no way that damn cannibal tribe had any stone sharp enough to cut off that guys penis that fast.,.,its just not possible.,.,.
Is this about Necrophagia?

I came into this thread thinking YEAH Necrophagia is fucking AWESOME...

Guess not. :(

As for sharp stones... YES you can sharpen a stone well enough to cut into flesh deeply...

That's how man's first several million years of feeding was accomplished....

As for the movie, haven't seen it.

You want real horror? Check out the Traces of Death series.
Not "Faces of death", that´s bullshit, Traces.

Also check out for your pleasure. make sure to watch the rusthroat-clip, it´s worth every second of the download.
Not a bad film at all..Maybe a little funny soundtrack and some not very brilliant dialogues but it reminds me of Eaten Alive which I think is a classic.. Well, anyway it is the film where people get their scalps taken and their brains eaten, or not? I don't seem to remember very well..:eek: