cant wait


Jul 21, 2004
was wondering if any of you are like me.. i cant wait for the new porcupine tree album ... featuring mikeal on 5 tracks.. i believe adrian belew is on the album somewhere too... this album shall be the new revelation..
Personally, I can't wait to hear the new Porcupine Tree album, and I hope Mikael Akerfeldt puts on a standing ovation worthy performance, which he will. I know Steve Wilson will not let me down.
I didnt really like Orchidia or what eva it was called, Futile was cool a bit winey and sounded like meshuggah more than opeth, but i am really looking forward to the new album, In Absentia is such a brilliant album album.
Futile wasn't even an official release. :err:

In Absentia was very good, even if it's easier to get bored with it than with the two albums before it. I'll definitely be checking out the album.

This thread has about as much to do with Opeth as the Ayreon thread, so I suppose it's safe to say that and Moonlapse allow threads that are somewhat related to any of Opeth's members.
nicemarmot said:
RavenousDaemon said:
Who is Guy Frober? :confused:
like Jack Frober but French-Canadian

Yea man, isn't he in cryptopsy or something?

... ok, back on topic: In Absentia was such an uneven, boring and worthless release as far as I'm concerned that I can wait a long time for this new one. It'll be fun to hear Mikael on something other than an Opeth release, I always enjoy that (Crimson, Steel, Bloodbath, etc.), but I don't have very much hope for PT anymore. Not really my kind of music.