Capitalism vs Communism

My Venus Project is to put both elements of socialism and capitalism to the test. Every nation needs a little of both and if you don't you are doomed to survieve the future. I find both systems to be hurtful to the people and I want the system to go where no system has gone before.

Wrong. Socialism is the declaration that man has no right to exist for his own sake. that his life and work do not belong to him but to society, that he only serves society. It's tribal collectivism.

Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights. A full, pure uncontrolled unregulated capitalism which means separation of state and economics.

These two ideas completely contradict one another which means only one can be right.
As I said, Socialism and Capitalism should both be a part of any economy.

No. In a free society there would be something called charity that would have nothing to do with government. The fact that a man has no claim on others does not prohibit good will among men and does not make it immoral to offer or accept voluntary, non sacrificial assistance. Socialism is altruism and it corrupts and perverts human sympathy by regarding the giver as an object of sacrifice and the receiver as a helpless miserable object of pity who holds a debt on the lives of others.

The small minority of adults who are unable rather than unwilling to work have to rely on voluntary charity. bad luck is not a claim to slave labor and there is no such thing as the right to consume, control and destroy those that one is surviving on.
Communism is the perfect system, in theory. As are Monarchy, Fascism and Democracy. The only reason they don't work, is because of Human nature to pervert the situation into the best one for them. Nothing else.
-Samuel Webster
The fact that you're posting such drivel is proof that so called "democracy" is the only moral system. The only perfect system should and would be a constitutional republic. Democracy is a system of unlimited majority rule; a classic example would be ancient Athens. Todays democracy is a form of collectivism and it denies individual rights. The American system was supposed to be a constitutionally limited republic.
People need to stop pointing at individual parts of the larger reality and shouting 'IT'S FAILED' and look at shit more holistically.
Yes.I would not have my family starve. Since the government taxes everyone to redistribute, people do not have the spare income they could to voluntarily help others.

well, that's not exactly true, remember when i said that "there's no middle classin america?" well, there's a lot of "lower class" people that think they're "upper class", where they're living pretty far beyond their means and they'd actually have enough "spare income" if they weren't blowing all their money on "new flat panel TVs and cable

Motivation for refusing them? That they weren't a necessity for survival. Most people get on them so they can afford new flat panel TVs and cable.

yes, there are a lot of people getting foodstamps and selling them for crack, or using foodstamps to eat so they've got extra cash for stuff they wouldn't buy if they hadn't gotten onto the foodstamps, but there are people that really need foodstamps, and i think it's kind of an unfair assesment to imply that "most" of the people on foodstams are scammers, without some kind of statistic to back that up
I think it's morally deplorable for the State to take anything that belongs to someone unless it's absolutely necessary and directly benefits that person, such as taxes for roads and military do. Anything else is theft, and politicians who support it should be thrown in prison to rot. The government has ZERO right to a man's earnings. Zilch. And certainly not to hand down to someone who didn't earn it themselves. Communism/socialism/marxism are morally corrupt policies, IMO, and really, don't even work (large scale) without freedoms being shat on. If you exploit the earnings of the rich, they will simply stop earning. Then the system collapses, unless you force them to keep working, which likely required corrupt use of force. Eventually the system tanks anyway because you screwed over the backbone of your economy.

Capitalism, on the other hand, works great when implemented properly. And, ironically, is much better for the poor than any other system is.
Capitalism, on the other hand, works great when implemented properly. And, ironically, is much better for the poor than any other system is.

capitalism is good for the poor only when unemployment goes down to zero
then you've got the min wage workers asking for raises and the people who recently got pay cuts selling stuff they own to have money to pay bills
but when you've got people that can't get legitimate jobs, you'll get people that become drug dealers/pimps/hookers/commiting fraud/suing people for a living because they can't get legal employment
Wrong, you ignoramus, people become drug dealers/pimps/hookers/committing fraud when government restrictions enable them to do so.

You, are a fucking retard.
Wrong, you ignoramus, people become drug dealers/pimps/hookers/committing fraud when government restrictions enable them to do so.
i didn't mean to imply that ALL of the dealers/pimps/hookers/fraud was the result of the high unemployment rate
i just meant to say that it's pretty fucking obvious that if unemployment went down to absolute zero, then the number of people that are dealers/pimps/hookers/comiting fraud would be signifigantly reduced