Captain Beard Sees Texicans!

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
Grittings from Carrollton, TX. Had a grand drunken time at the meat party, Cara has many photos I need to acquire before I go. I met Samantha, Cara, Derick, and Acie. They're all quite decent peoples in person. Tomorrow is the Body Worlds exhibit. Many photos and reviews will come soon. I sleep now, as I drank and ate a lot and am quite sedated.
Not used to the time change still. Damned Jetlag. But I'll live, maybe. :p Body Worlds today, no photos :( But some after maybe. Samantha AND Cara have cameras, so I don't know if I need to use mine at all. Post more you fucking fuckers!
yeah, good stuff last night. although, i had way more than my fair share of booze.
Not used to the time change still. Damned Jetlag. But I'll live, maybe. :p Body Worlds today, no photos :( But some after maybe. Samantha AND Cara have cameras, so I don't know if I need to use mine at all. Post more you fucking fuckers!

what jet leg?!?!?! One hour? NL, you're funny :Smug:

Seriously though, I'm happy you had a good time :)
Hope you'll find what you're looking for!

Hugs from Arlington :oops:
Two hours, Karen. I normally sleep at specific times, so it sucked the first two days. I am, however, still considering coming here, after ironing out a few more details. (Thats in case they peek in here and wonder if I changed my mind, the answer at this point is no, still probably will.)
woolridden (7:31:43 PM): pics pics pics
NoLordyCapone (7:31:53 PM): They're all on Cara's camera,
NoLordyCapone (7:31:57 PM): I have to get them tomorrow.
I have TWO pictures. Enjoy these for now.


That dog is a boy. And he's cute until you realize he still thinks he's a puppy and mauls you. :p