Car Thread

That would be sadder if it was in better nick but it's still sad to see a classic go that way
Sideways into a tree or power pole is my guess. Fairly common with boy racers in this country.
Just wanna hope he didn't have a passenger. Girl I used to know was sitting in the passenger seat in an LJ Torana when her brother did the same thing. Turned the passenger seat 90 degrees and left her facing the tree he hit. Bench seat in the GT would have stopped that but the safety features of a 1970's Ford were not tree worthy.
That would be sadder if it was in better nick but it's still sad to see a classic go that way
Looks like it was in pretty good nick. I like the matte black, white decals and steelies combo.

Just wanna hope he didn't have a passenger. Girl I used to know was sitting in the passenger seat in an LJ Torana when her brother did the same thing. Turned the passenger seat 90 degrees and left her facing the tree he hit. Bench seat in the GT would have stopped that but the safety features of a 1970's Ford were not tree worthy.
I’m not a Ford guy but that GT looks to have buckets. Definitely hope there was no passenger.
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Looks like it was in pretty good nick. I like the matte black, white decals and steelies combo.

I’m not a Ford guy but that GT looks to have buckets. Definitely hope there was no passenger.

That's not just matte black, it's suffering. It's not a rust bucket but it hasn't been looked after as it should have been for a classic.

You could be right on the seats, that could be a low cut bucket for the drivers seat. In some of those models the bucket and the bench were almost the same height. All our GT's and Fords of the time had benches until we got the Cobra panel van but ours came out of Murray Carter's garage so they weren't as Henry designed them.
My Dad's 1999 petrol Land Cruiser has held up damn well. It's had plenty of off-road adventures, though nowhere serious enough to need multiple vehicles/winches. The only really sketchy spot we tackled was a gate with unavoidable deep muddy ruts. After getting home he found that the ruts had squeezed the tyres off the rim a bit and gotten mud in them. About the only other thing that went wrong was the wires chafing in the centre console and causing the electrics to play up.
I would've included photos when I posted that, but best ones are from a West Coast/Otago trip in 2000 which I hadn't gotten copies of until now.



Hey now, there's better things to do on a family holiday than get stuck somewhere remote, like get pretty photos. But my Dad did put on the rear diff lock just because it exists. All the while exclaiming it's funny they designate these tracks as 4WD-only now as he used to tackle those sorts of roads in his 1970 Hillman Hunter no problem.
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Yeah it's funny to watch some of those really old videos from the 30's and 40's and then compare what those mad buggers did to what some of us off roaders do these days. Obviously today we can climb near vertical rock walls where as they couldn't but some of the muddy tracks they took those old Model T's on people today wouldn't tackle without at least having 33's, bead lockers and diff lockers. :)

We had a '74 Corolla back in the 80's that hit some of the stupidest dirt roads ever only to get stuck somewhere and need to be pulled out. We didn't set out to go bush bashing but when 80% of the roads around where you live are dirt and only travelled by log trucks and dirt bikes its not hard to find the wrong track
Obviously today we can climb near vertical rock walls where as they couldn't but some of the muddy tracks they took those old Model T's on people today wouldn't tackle without at least having 33's, bead lockers and diff lockers. :)
this reminded me of a "group/club" one of my friends brothers has where they all get together with their Wranglers on weekends and go "crawling" up mountains around here and post stupid pictures like this ...


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Yeah I've a got a few mates who do that kind of thing and the mud runs. I also have have a few mates that go even sillier with those near vertical hill climbs and frame buggies. I don't have the time or inclination to do that any more. I go and watch occasionally but these guys still go out weekly and don't give a shit what they break or how bad they break it. I'm too sedate for such things these days, when I take my toys out of the garage I don't want to bring them home on a trailer and spend the next week fixing them!
Yeah I've a got a few mates who do that kind of thing and the mud runs. I also have have a few mates that go even sillier with those near vertical hill climbs and frame buggies. I don't have the time or inclination to do that any more. I go and watch occasionally but these guys still go out weekly and don't give a shit what they break or how bad they break it. I'm too sedate for such things these days, when I take my toys out of the garage I don't want to bring them home on a trailer and spend the next week fixing them!

yeh, they must be trying to climb those big rocks because they're lacking elsewhere no? ;) Yeah everyone has their hobbies, while its not something that interests me really, it does look pretty cool.

when I take my toys out of the garage I don't want to bring them home on a trailer and spend the next week fixing them!
yeah that's a part of the game that i have to deal with too. Nothing we can really do about it though. Basically they are toys and are going to eventually break, regardless if you're dragging/tracking the cars or climbing mountains. Kind of sucks but whatever.
yeh, they must be trying to climb those big rocks because they're lacking elsewhere no? ;) Yeah everyone has their hobbies, while its not something that interests me really, it does look pretty cool.

Getting their rocks off anyway they can :)
I've got a few remote control rock climbers and they are fun (and a lot cheaper to repair) but that is about as far as I want to go these days.

yeah that's a part of the game that i have to deal with too. Nothing we can really do about it though. Basically they are toys and are going to eventually break, regardless if you're dragging/tracking the cars or climbing mountains. Kind of sucks but whatever.

We take our daily rides out into the muddy tracks and get them dirty and most of the tracks need lifts and diff lockers, we can do water crossings up to the window sills and we can take scrubby tracks that are all rocks and mud. Things do occasionally break and some things suck more than others to replace but we don't go out with a kill at all cost attitude. We use winches and snatch straps to get out and we do get bogged but we tackle the tracks a sedate speed with the intention of driving home what we left with.
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